Module information
Unit value: 0.5
Year of study: 2
Term: 2
Course organiser: Dr Peter Munro
Second examiner: Dr Peter Mondregger, Dr Rebecca Yerworth
The purpose of this module is to provide students the physics background which is necessary for a biomedical engineer and to familiarize students with concepts in contemporary physics so that they can draw on those general scientific principles with confidence.
Current students should see the moodle page for this module.
Aims and Objectives
Students will be able:
- To be able to explain basic concepts in physics to another undergraduate
- To be able to perform basic calculations in physics
- To understand the range of physical principles and appreciate how they underpin biomedical engineering
- To apply their knowledge of physics to biomedical engineering applications.
Brief Syllabus
Topics covered include:
Wave theory: simple harmonic motion, wave propagation, transverse and longitudinal waves, the wave equation, Doppler effect, reflection, refraction, phase velocity, group velocity, interference, diffraction, polarization, Maxwell’s equations, resolution, geometric optics, relativity, optics and acoustics (relevant to medical imaging, electronic instrumentation and safety, interventional surgery).
Thermodynamics and solid state physics: ideal gases, real gases, solids and liquids, Avogadro’s number, heat and temperature, laws of thermodynamics, kinetic theory of gases, Maxwell-Boltzmann distribution, entropy, covalent, ionic and van der Waals forces, crystal structures, x-ray diffraction (relevant to materials, mechanics, fluid mechanics, homeostasis).
Quantum mechanics: Young’s double slit experiment, Michelson-Morley Experiment, blackbody radiation and Plank constant, photoelectric effect, wave-particle duality, electron diffraction, wave function, Schrodinger equation, Uncertainty Principle, Rutherford, Bohr models of atom (relevant to lasers, ionizing radiation interactions, MRI, nanoengineering).
Teaching and exams
Teaching will consist of:
- Lectures, 28 hours.
- Seminars/problem classes, 4 hours.
- Labs, 4 hours.
- Required written work, 20 hours.
The assessment will consist of:
- Unseen written examination (2 hours) worth 80% of the total course mark.
- Written coursework/project assignments completed during term-time worth 20% of the total course mark.
We assume that you have met the minimum entry requirements for our undergraduate degree programmes (i.e. A level Mathematics (grade A preferred), Physics and one other A level at ABB or above, or equivalent). If you feel you meet the prerequisites through a non-standard route, please contact the module organiser.
Specific knowledge assumed:
Mathematics: Familiarity with manipulation of equations, trigonometry, differential and integral calculus (mixed polynomial and exponential functions), exponentials, vectors, and basic matrices. Basic analysis and presentation of data skills are required (Excel, Matlab, etc.)
Physics / Engineering: Familiarity with forces and resolution of systems of forces. Familiarity with Newton equations, potential and kinetic energy, work, mechanical equilibrium, moments and conservation of energy would be helpful.
Core Texts
There is a wide range of physics books at the UCL library. Students are encouraged to browse through the options and choose those which they find more useful for each topic covered in this module. A single book does not have all the answers and personal preferences are different.