Stefano Moriconi - Dzosh Shakir
17 January 2018, 1:00 pm–2:00 pm
Event Information
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UCL Bloomsbury - Roberts G08 Roberts building
Stefano Moriconi
Title: Inference of Cerebrovascular Topology with Geodesic Minimum Spanning Trees
Abstract: Vessel segmentation and vascular tree analysis is of clinical relevance in cardiovascular and neurovascular applications. In complex vascular networks, such as brain vessels, the clinical assessment results in high intra-observer variability, as it relies on clinical experience to minimise vessel overlap and to reconstruct the vascular topology. The quantitative information of the vascular network under a vector representation has the potential to guide and support the surgeon in non-trivial treatment planning. Also, the identification of a vector model of the vasculature could provide further insights on cerebrovascular normality and pathology by aligning and characterising vascular graphs in a group-wise fashion.
In this talk, a novel connectivity-oriented framework for multi-modal vessel tree extraction will be presented. In detail, the geodesic vascular minimum spanning tree from angiographic data is inferred with a connectivity-optimised anisotropic level-set over a voxel-wise tensor field representing the orientation of the underlying vasculature.
The proposed method, validated on synthetic and real clinical datasets, stands as first step towards multiple complimentary cerebrovascular applications, from supporting patient-specific interventional neuroradiology and vascular surgery, to population-wise studies of comparative neurology.
Dzhoshkun Ismail Shakir
Title: GIFT-Surg: our software engineering activities and vision
Abstract: Pre-natal foetal surgery has been a reality for a while. To improve the outcome of challenging foetal surgical procedures, novel surgical instrumentation in conjunction with novel imaging methods is being developed within the GIFT-Surg project. Engineering sustainable and modular software is an integral part of this endeavour for integrating these technological developments into the clinical workflow. Aiming for sustainability and modularity does not only facilitate software development; it also paves the way for sharing software deliverables with the scientific community. In this brief talk I am going to update the CMIC community on our software engineering activities and vision within GIFT-Surg.