
Mechanical Engineering


Energy and Environment Webinar Series: How and Why do Energy Systems Change?

14 March 2023, 1:00 pm–2:00 pm

Energy and Environment Webinar

Webinar: How and Why do Energy Systems Change or ‘How Loughborough fundamentally changed the Energy World – Twice’?

This event is free.

Event Information

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Associate Professor (Education) Nelia Jurado Pontes, PhD, FHEA

Join us via this link

Join Dr Robin Irons, to explore his findings on how energy systems evolve in the context of reaching a net zero reality.

What the webinar will address

A look through history to explore what caused changes in the energy and transport worlds in the past and what lessons those experiences may hold for the future as we move to a net zero world.

The talk will be taking place online on 14th March, from 1–2pm via Zoom. 

About the Speaker

Associate Professor Robin Irons

Director at EPSRC Centre for Doctoral Training (CDT) in Resilient Decarbonised Fuel Energy Systems

Associate Professor Robin Irons
Robin Irons holds a 1st Class Bachelors degree and a PhD, both in Chemical Engineering and both from Imperial College London. He worked in environmental research within the energy industry for around 30 years in a number of international companies, including PowerGen, E.ON and Uniper and rose to be a senior manager in Research, Development and Deployment specialising in carbon-reduction technologies.

Robin has extensive experience in international collaborative research and full-scale technology deployment in multiple technical areas, based within industry but incorporating extensive links with universities and research institutes worldwide. He transferred from industry to academe in 2017 and now leads a research group seeking to find innovative new uses for existing energy infrastructure. He has been Director of the EPSRC Centre for Doctoral Training (CDT) in Resilient Decarbonised Fuel Energy Systems since 2019.

More about Associate Professor Robin Irons