Energy and Environment Research Group Webinar: "Offshore wind energy towards net zero"
13 December 2022, 1:00 pm–2:00 pm
Join Prof Athanasios KOLIOS from Technical University of Denmark – DTU to explore his findings on wind energy. Contact Nelia Jurado
This event is free.
Event Information
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Dr Nelia Jurado, FHEA Associate Professor (Education), – UCL Mechanical EngineeringTeams
What the webinar will address
This lecture will present current status and future trends of offshore wind energy, with a view to enable the necessary developments to accelerate large scale deployments by 2030. Targeted innovations such as upscaling of the rotor, design and serial manufacturing of deep-water foundations, optimisation of operation and maintenance for availability- and performance-based operation, incorporation of data and digital solutions, integration of offshore wind energy to net zero scenarios and consideration of a circular economy approach through selection of appropriate end of life scenarios will all be covered in this session. Finally, a comparison of current and projected costs of wind energy with other technologies as well as benefits and limitations towards energy system integration will conclude this lecture.
The talk will be taking place on 13th December, from 1–2pm via Zoom.
Join us via this link
Looking forward to seeing you at our next EnE Webinar!
Best wishes,
Dr Nelia Jurado, FHEA
Associate Professor (Education),
UCL Mechanical Engineering
About the Speaker
Professor Athanasios Kolios
Professor and Head of Section of Structural Integrity and Loads Assessment at Technical University of Denmark DTU
Athanasios Kolios (Dip Eng, MSc, PhD, MBA, PGCAP, CEng FIMechE, FHEA) is a Professor and Head of Section of Structural Integrity and Loads Assessment at DTU Wind, in Denmark’s Technical University, and the current President of the European Academy of Wind Energy (EAWE), which is an alliance of 55 universities internationally, leading research in wind energy. He is a qualified academic and consultant with expertise in asset integrity, particularly focusing in energy applications. He has experience in the development and optimisation of both qualitative and quantitative methods for risk management and reliability engineering as well as data-driven integrated frameworks for the development of effective operational strategies.
During his academic career he has participated in several projects related to the development, analysis and optimisation of wind energy components and systems through a balanced portfolio of research council funded, industry sponsored and specialist consultancy projects of value exceeding £21m as PI/co-PI/co-I. Professor Kolios is a Fellow Chartered Engineer of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers and a Fellow of the Higher Education Academy. He has authored more than 200 peer-reviewed journal and conference papers, has chaired several sessions on the Risk and Integrity Management of Energy Assets and is currently the Chairman of the ISSC Offshore Renewable Energy Committee.
More about Professor Athanasios Kolios