


Summer Projects

UCL is offering undergraduate students who are interested in mathematical research the opportunity to do a summer project under the guidance of a member of our department.

These projects are especially beneficial for students who are considering doing a PhD and want to get a better understanding of what doing mathematical research entails. We try to ensure a reasonable gender balance in each cohort of stuents.

Students should be in their intermediate years (i.e. not in their first or last year). The project usually lasts 6-8 weeks and will take place between the end of the exam period and the start of the new academic year.

Interested students should directly contact the staff member who they are interested in working with about the possibility of doing a summer project with them.

Funding Options

There are several funding options for such a project:

  1. LMS Undergraduate Research Bursaries
    The Mathematics Department is eligible for up to 4 bursaries jointly funded by the LMS and the department, so up to 4 students could be awarded these bursaries.For eligibility and application form, please see: www.lms.ac.uk/grants/undergraduate-research-bursaries
    The call for applications for the summer 2025 is now open and the application deadline is 1st February 2025.
  2. MAPS Summer Research Internships
    The internship scheme is devised as an opportunity to give students the experience of working within research in MAPS departments at UCL and improve their employability skills during the summer. It has run during the summers of 2022 and 2023. If continued in 2024 the call will most likely open for students in February 2024, with a deadline early March. The scheme is open to UCL undergraduate and integrated master’s degree students. The scheme can run for up to six weeks and can be undertaken through June, July or August in 2023. Supervisors can be from any department.
  3. Mary Lister McCammon Summer Research Fellowships
    These fellowships are for female students only. They cover a 10 week project (with fixed dates) and provide a stipend. Note that this scheme is based at Imperial College and most projects will be supervised there, but projects in many areas of Pure Mathematics can have supervisors at UCL. The scheme is open to students at any university.

The call for applications is not yet open for Summer 2025.

Further Information

For questions about the application procedures and/or about the different funding options please contact Professor Erik Burman (email: e.burman AT ucl.ac.uk).