
UCL Mathematical & Physical Sciences


UCL Solar Physicist creates artwork for ITV

19 February 2021

Throughout February 2021, ITV will be showing a series of idents created from a collaboration between Professor Lucie Green and photographer Melanie King.

Image of the ITV artwork taken from Prof. Green's artwork.

The duo worked together to create a piece of art based on the European Space Agency’s Solar Orbiter mission, which launched in February 2020 and is the latest spacecraft sent to study the sun. The spacecraft has to endure searing heat, but in doing so it has taken images of the sun closer than any other spacecraft. Data gathered by the spacecraft’s suite of telescopes provides views of the sun in ultraviolet light and X-rays, and will help shed light on why the sun produces huge explosions and eruptions in its atmosphere.  

YouTube Widget Placeholderhttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MjGxsJTyvlk


When creating this piece, Melanie and Lucie were inspired to use shapes found within the Solar Orbiter spacecraft. Using ultraviolet light, a form of light which is produced by the sun, a large cyanotype print was produced of the ITV logo. You can see parts of the idents in the above video, or below, a 'behind-the-scenes' clip showing the creation of the artwork.

YouTube Widget Placeholderhttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=P3NLQAw907A

For more information on Professor Green's work, the work of the Department of Space and Climate Physics at MSSL, or the creation of ITV idents, visit the links below.


Image credit - Still image taken from ITV Ident (Credit: ITV Creates)