
UCL Mathematical & Physical Sciences


MAPS Faculty Teaching Awards 2016

30 June 2016

Chris Blackman

Each year the Mathematical and Physical Sciences Faculty recognises excellence in teaching by staff and teaching assistants at all levels within the faculty through the Faculty Teaching Awards.

We are delighted to announce this year's winners:

  • Teaching Staff: Chris Blackman (Chemistry)
  • CPD: Luciano Rila (Mathematics)
  • Support Staff: Charlotte Pearce (Natural Sciences)
  • Postgraduate Teaching Assistant: Matthew Scroggs (Mathematics)

Many congratulations to them on delivering a first-class learning experience for our students.

Chris Blackman

Chris Blackman is a senior lecturer within UCL Chemistry. He was instrumental in the re-structuring of the second year inorganic chemistry module after identifying several areas where it could be improved.

He says: "This meant implementing significant revisions right across the module, from refining lectures, altering the structure of the exam paper and the way coursework was assessed, to completely rewriting the lab component. A key aspect of these changes was a clear and open dialogue with the students on the aims and intended outcomes of these changes and, crucially, being open to revising ideas to better meet student need and improve student experience. I believe this dialogue was key, as reflected in student comments on the module, and is an element I will take forward into teaching in the future."

Luciano Rila

Luciano Rila (R)

Luciana Rila is a Mathematics Education Coordinator at UCL Mathematics. He has been particularly involved in developing the breadth of activity and impact of Mathematics on the teaching community.

He says: "UCL has become as a hub for maths teachers where they come to share ideas, learn more maths and explore the wealth of knowledge that we have at our university. We all play different roles in maths education so it is vital to have a platform where we can come together and share our experiences. I'm privileged to have access to so much expertise and, with the enthusiasm and support of the UCL community, it is great to be able to invite maths teachers to UCL not only to learn mathematics but also to explore mathematics in the context of other areas."

Charlotte Pearce

Charlotte Pearce

Charlotte Pearce is the Programme Manager for the Natural Sciences degree. Her diligence and hard-work has earned her the respect and high regard of a large cohort of Natural Sciences students.
The Natural Sciences programme is an intra and inter-disciplinary programme working across four faculties. Charlotte deals with all aspects of the management of the programme, she is the first point of contact for students which gives her role a strong pastoral element.

She says: "I am delighted to win this award. It is a pleasure to work with, and get to know the students on the programme and to work with the wide variety of staff that I come in contact with," she said.

Matthew Scroggs

Matthew Scroggs

Matthew Scroggs is a PhD student at UCL Mathematics. He also teaches Differential and Integral Calculus to undergraduate students. He has been particularly active in the teaching and teaching-related activity of the department. 

He says: "I am thrilled to have won this award; I have been very lucky this year to have such nice students and am grateful for the opportunities that the Department of Maths has bestowed upon me. Also, it's very nice to have won an award without resorting to standing next to chocolate fountains."