Faculty Teaching Award 2010
23 August 2010
The winner of the MAPS Faculty Teaching Award for 2010 is Professor Raman Prinja (Department of Physics and Astronomy and Natural Sciences Programme Director).
Many congratulations to Professor Prinja for displaying an extremely high standard of excellent teaching.
Prof. Mark Lancaster, Chair of the Physics and Astronomy Teaching Committee, noted that:
"Raman is a teacher who goes out of his way to engage with students both in
and outside of lectures and is always readily available to provide
feedback. His friendliness, approachability and sheer enthusiasm for the
subjects he teaches are well known in the faculty and to the students
who have been fortunate enough to have been taught by him".
The Faculty received several nominations for this award, which was introduced as a means of recognising the outstanding provision of teaching within the faculty.
The other nominees, all worthy of special mention, were:
- Dr Joe Cain (Science and Technology Studies)
- Prof. Ian Ford (Physics and Astronomy)
- Dr John Haight (Mathematics)
- Dr Chris Kilburn (Earth Sciences)
- Dr Mark Roberts (Mathematics)
An additional Faculty award has been awarded to Hannah Fry (Department of Mathematics) in recognition of her excellence as a Postgraduate Teaching Assistant.
Dr Mark Roberts, Mathematics Departmental Tutor noted that:
"Hannah Fry has been a Teaching Assistant in the Department of Mathematics since 2006. She has very successfully taught a large Mathematics ancillary module for several years, as well as taking tutorials for Mathematics honours students. She communicates mathematics in a lively, clear and effective way, and is very committed to providing individual help to students at all levels of ability. Many expressions of appreciation for her excellent teaching and help have been received from students."