Get in touch with the faculty communications manager, and we can discuss your needs and expectations, for instance whether a news article, photo release, event or video is appropriate. The faculty office can help by writing press releases, taking photos, carrying out interviews, organising events, etc - as well as providing advice or a helping hand.
The faculty office should generally be your first port of call on matters of science communication, unless you know exactly what you require and you are happy to put in the legwork of organising your public engagement activities yourself. If this is the case, you might want to contact central services, such as media relations or the public engagement unit, directly – but please do keep us in the loop if possible.
Don’t leave it till the last minute – if you want us to do a press release on some new research and the paper has already been published, it may be too late to do anything. Let us know at least a fortnight before, though earlier is better. That lets us start work and gives more time to arrange photos, write the release text and coordinate with other institutions.
Note that we normally wait for the paper to be accepted or published paper before we actually publish a press release.
Remember also that communications options are not restricted to papers alone. Conference communications, research images, events, experiments and fieldwork can all be good triggers for public engagement activities.