
UCL Mathematical & Physical Sciences


Picture a Scientist: post-screening discussion

08 March 2021, 1:00 pm–2:00 pm

Abstract image taken from the 'Picture a Scientist' poster

Have you watched the documentary film 'Picture a Scientist'? Join us in a conversation about the systemic gender biases and racism that the film documented.

Event Information

Open to





Alexandra Olaya-Castro


Date and time: 08 March 2021, 13:00-14:00 via Zoom 
Zoom registration link:
What we will discuss: 
Picture a Scientist showed us that systematic gender biases and racism persist in the sciences. We learnt that there is much more work needed in raising visibility of the critical issues of diversity, equity, and inclusion in science. We view the film as a start for these discussions and so, we are inviting you to take part in a deeper conversation. We invite you to reflect on some of the following scenes from the film beforehand:

1. Tip of the iceberg – unwanted sexual attention, coercion, assault
2. The underneath – subtle exclusions, relentless pressure for dates, remarks about bodies
3. Data driven – feeling outnumbered. What data is necessary to show inequality? And how can we get it?
4. The nature of the beast – the leaky pipeline, Implicit Bias Test
5. The eyes to see – representation in science, how do you picture a scientist? What can a by-stander do?
6. The scouts before the troops – meritocracy, code-switching, who needs to act? 

The discussion will be facilitated by the leaders of the Unbalanced in STEM podcasta project that aims to tackle the normalisation surrounding inequity, discrimination, and harassment in STEM fields in the UK.