MAPS Research Festival - Global Challenges
12 April 2017, 2:00 pm–5:30 pm
Event Information
Darwin B40 Lecture Theatre
The MAPS Faculty Research Festival this year has the theme of Global Challenges. The Festival has been established as a forum for showcasing the faculty’s research and to provide an opportunity for colleagues to network.
Our hope is that the Research Festival will not only serve to highlight the quality and diversity of the Faculty's activities around Global Challenges, but will help forge new collaborations that will benefit from the Global Challenges Research Fund (GCRF).
All MAPS Faculty staff and Post Graduates are welcome to attend.
Sign up via Eventbrite.
14.00 |
Welcome Prof Ivan Parkin (Dean, MAPS) |
14.10 |
Overview of the GRCF Dr Jen Hazelton (Strategic Research Facilitator (Environment Domain) |
14.30 |
Grand challenges in increasing resilience to environmental hazards Prof Peter Sammonds (Institute for Risk and Disaster Reduction) |
14.50 |
Tsunami risk for the western Indian coast Devaraj Gopinathan (Statistical Science) |
15.10 |
Ions at electrodes: electrochemical desalination and energy storage Dr Katherine Holt (Chemistry) |
15.30 |
Tea |
15.50 |
A novel smartphone-based point-of-care test for the detection of Ebola virus antibodies Polina Brangel (London Centre for Nanotechnology) |
16.10 |
In-situ carbonation of basaltic rocks for the subsurface storage of anthropogenic CO2 Prof Eric Oelkers (Earth Sciences) |
16.30 |
Mathematical challenges in cryopreservation Adam Townsend (Mathematics) |
16.50 |
The role of Space in meeting Global Challenges Prof Alan Smith (Mullard Space Science Laboaratory) |
17.10 |
Orkney: Besides the Ocean of Time Dr Carina Fearnley (Science and Technology Studies) |
17.50 | Drinks - Roberts Foyer |