Welcome back to campus - Professor Ivan Parkin
Professor Ivan Parkin, Dean of the Faculty of Mathematical and Physical Sciences, welcomes staff back to campus.

26 September 2022
Dear All,
Welcome back to the new academic year! All MAPS departments are now fully open, and we are moving to full face-to-face delivery for the first time in three years.
We have had a further increase in student numbers at both undergraduate and postgraduate level this year. Several new staff appointments will be made to help cope with the increased student numbers.
The last few years have been challenging with COVID and have meant huge changes in the ways we do research, work, and deliver education. This academic year, its effects seem to have significantly reduced and society has virtually fully opened up, but the virus is still a concern. The UK now starts its winter booster campaign of further vaccinations for the over 50s.
We have the additional issues of war in the Ukraine and high inflation to deal with. The inflationary increase will squeeze budgets further this year.
The faculty had five graduation ceremonies on 31 August and 1 September. We had a good attendance from staff. The ceremonies were in Logan Hall with a reception in the quad. It was good to see that PhD titles of students were read out this year. I would encourage staff to attend these ceremonies where they can. It is a very enjoyable experience and means so much, especially for PhD graduates, to have their supervisor present.
I would also like to encourage staff to apply for the Beacon Bursaries scheme, where they can. Submissions from MAPS for these are lower than any other faculty, applications are open until 13 October, and they have some drop-in sessions for advice and support around submitting an application.
I have been coming in regularly over the last few weeks and it has been great to meet with staff and students; that personal interaction is hard to replicate on Teams and Zoom.
I am looking forward to delivering 20 lectures by Christmas – and need to remember my chalk and talk skills. I look forward to seeing most of you in person throughout 2022-2023 but in the meantime, I wish you all a safe and enjoyable new academic year.