Amanda Gallant
Amanda Gallant is a Communications and Events Administrator for the Institute for Mathematical and Statistical Science (IMSS) who is also working with the Warning Research Centre (WRC).

30 June 2022
When did you take up this position? What was your position beforehand?
I started my role in mid-May! I had been doing a one-year secondment as an Assistant Department Business Manager specialising in Finance, but my substantive role was similar to my current one in that I handled events, communications, anything and everything.
Where were you before joining UCL?
I came from Goldsmiths where I worked in the Department of Media, Communications and Cultural Studies.
Tell us about your work at UCL - how do you spend your days, and what makes your role different to similar positions elsewhere.
No day is the same at the moment, which keeps things very fresh! As HE Administrator I feel like things can become quite cyclical very quickly so I’m enjoying the novelty for now. As my role is split (albeit unevenly) between the IMSS and the WRC, it means I don’t end up doing the same thing all the time.
A day at the moment will perhaps involve some social media for the WRC, some event planning for upcoming dates in the autumn, and liaising with IMSS fellows. There’s plenty to set up to make sure the IMSS (and the WRC!) have exciting events calendars and a vibrant social media presence.
What are some of your favourite things about working in the faculty? How have you found it different to previous jobs?
Even though I've not been here long, everyone has been so lovely, accommodating, and welcoming - when you move jobs, you never know what type of team you'll be walking into, and coming to UCL has been such a relief! So far, I'm amazed at the level of respect shown to professional services staff and how self-motivated everyone seems to be while also really open to sharing ideas.
Can you tell us about any future projects that you are looking forward to working on?
The big aim and goal at the moment is to have a special event in the autumn for the IMSS, so I’m looking forward to putting all of the puzzle pieces together to make that happen.
We’ll also be welcoming lots of new Fellows through August and September, so once we have a full cohort, I’m looking forward to working with them to really publicise the IMSS and the amazing work being done.
Have you always been based in London? If not, when did you move here, and how did you find adapting to living in London?
I've been a permanent Londoner since 2010, but I am originally from the USA. I spent many years going back and forth - both studying and working in the UK - so I feel as if I had a slow introduction to the London way of life... and always ended up coming back!
Finally, tell us about your non-work life. Do you have any hobbies, or favourite places to go in London?
I'm a Southeast Londoner, so Greenwich, Peckham, Brockley are probably where you'll find me at the weekend. I'm an avid reader (with an MA in English Literature), bread baker and dinner-party-planner, and I love a live gig, as my husband is a musician. You really just can't beat Gordon's Wine Bar on a summery afternoon!