Henry Bennie
Henry Bennie is the Communications and Business Development Manager at UCLQ.
1 June 2020
His path to UCL started with a physics degree from Imperial College London, followed by a number of years working in bookshops before obtaining a Masters in Science Communication from Imperial. After this degree came work in a variety of places, such as the BBC, CERN, and the Wellcome Collection.
“"I was really interested in the advances in quantum technologies and quantum computing. I wanted to learn more and work on promoting this exciting area of science and tech. I felt there was an interesting story here to tell! UCL is a really diverse place to work and everyone I have met has been lovely. In my month at work Google announced they had demonstrated quantum supremacy – a massive news story, probably the only quantum tech story that would be picked up by mainstream media for the next 5 years. I had inside information from a researcher about the publication date of the paper and the public announcement. So I helped central communications co-ordinate a press advisory pack and clear academic diaries for interviews with the media. UCL academics featured in almost all the UK coverage of the story."
Henry grew up on a Scottish hill farm - "surrounded by 10 000 sheep!" - and moved to London over 10 years ago, with the exception of a few months working in Geneva and Paris. Asked about his plans for the near future, he replied:
“"I want to develop a good understanding around all things quantum, it’s a really exciting field with lots of interesting stories to tell – from super sensitive quantum sensors to the challenge of building a universal quantum computer. Im working on a idea for podcast – who isn’t? – with some MAPS PhD students. The podcast will feature stories about quantum research at UCL – Let me know if you have any name suggestions…"
When not at work, you will most likely find Henry on the River Thames, as he's a keen rower.
“"I’m out on the river at half-five in the morning before work twice a week, there at the weekend and then in evening after work too! I only have one non-rowing day per week. Its like an escape from the city, as soon as I’m on the river I’m transported to the countryside – with herons and seals".
You can find out more about Henry from his staff page on the London Centre for Nanotechnology site, or via twitter at @UCLQuantum or @Henrybennie.