
UCL Mathematical & Physical Sciences


41 members of academic staff included in 2017-18 UCL Promotions list

Find out which members of MAPS Faculty staff have been including in the promotions for 2017-18

The faculty is pleased to announce that 41 members of staff have been included in the Senior UCL Academic, Research and Teaching Fellow promotions for 2017-18.

This is the MAPS Faculty’s highest ever number of staff promotions, with 30% of appointments going to women.

Professor Ivan Parkin, Dean of Mathematical and Physical Sciences said, “I would like to take this opportunity to offer my personal congratulations to the members of staff included in this year’s UCL promotions. This year’s list includes a wide representation of staff from across the faculty and illustrates the wealth of knowledge and talent that makes us part of a world-class institution”.


NameDepartmentPromoted to
Dr Christina PagelClinical Operational Research UnitProfessor of Operational Research
Dr Christopher BlackmanDepartment of ChemistryProfessor of Inorganic Chemistry
Dr Katherine HoltDepartment of ChemistryProfessor of Physical Chemistry
Dr Christoph SalzmannDepartment of ChemistryProfessor of Physical and Materials Chemistry
Dr David ScanlonDepartment of ChemistryProfessor of Computational Materials Design
Dr Thomas SheppardDepartment of ChemistryProfessor of Organic Chemistry
Dr Scott WoodleyDepartment of ChemistryProfessor of Computational Chemistry and Physics
Dr William Burgess    Department of Earth SciencesProfessor of Hydrogeology
Dr Adrian Jones   Department of Earth SciencesProfessor of Petrology
Dr Timo BetckeDepartment of MathematicsProfessor of Computational Mathematics
Dr Jason LotayDepartment of MathematicsProfessor of Mathematics
Dr Angus BainDepartment of Physics and AstronomyProfessor of Physics
Dr Mario CampanelliDepartment of Physics and AstronomyProfessor of Physics
Dr David CassidyDepartment of Physics and AstronomyProfessor of Experimental Physics
Dr Carla Figueira De Morisson FariaDepartment of Physics and AstronomyProfessor of Physics
Dr Alexandra Olaya-CastroDepartment of Physics and AstronomyProfessor of Physics
Dr Giorgio SaviniDepartment of Physics and AstronomyProfessor of Astrophysics
Dr Alessio SerafiniDepartment of Physics and AstronomyProfessor of Theoretical Physics
Dr Marzena SzymanskaDepartment of Physics and AstronomyProfessor of Physics
Dr Sarah EdwardsDepartment of Science and Technology StudiesProfessor of Bioethics
Dr Geraint JonesDepartment of Space and Climate PhysicsProfessor of Planetary Science
Dr Daisuke KawataDepartment of Space and Climate PhysicsProfessor of Astronomy
Dr Sarah MatthewsDepartment of Space and Climate PhysicsProfessor of Solar Physics
Dr Gianluca BaioDepartment of Statistical ScienceProfessor of Statistics and Health Economics

 Associate Professors

Dr Sonya CroweClinical Operational Research Unit
Dr Nicolas BrantutDepartment of Earth Sciences
Dr Larsen LouderDepartment of Mathematics
Dr Edward SegalDepartment of Mathematics
Dr Thomas GreveDepartment of Physics and Astronomy
Dr Gavin HeskethDepartment of Physics and Astronomy
Dr Christopher HowardDepartment of Physics and Astronomy
Dr Simon JollyDepartment of Physics and Astronomy
Dr Brendan ClarkeDepartment of Science and Technology Studies
Dr Emily DawsonDepartment of Science and Technology Studies
Dr Carina FearnleyDepartment of Science and Technology Studies
Dr Simon LockDepartment of Science and Technology Studies
Dr Ioanna ManolopoulouDepartment of Statistical Science
Dr Arie Van Den HoutDepartment of Statistical Science
Dr Frank KrugerLondon Centre for Nanotechnology
Dr Steven SchofieldLondon Centre for Nanotechnology

Principal Research Fellows

Dr David BrooksDepartment of Physics and Astronomy