
Maini Group



FNA tool

This 'FNA tool' can be used to score longitudinal FNA samples for their sampling of intrahepatic immunity (versus contaminating blood) within an individual. Using mathematical modelling, we have developed an algorithm which utilises a single immune parameter to predict how 'liver-like' an FNA sample is, to allow standardisation of follow-up samples from the same individual.

Access the tool here: fnatool.pythonanywhere.com

Use the appropriate tab to insert either the frequency of CXCR6+ NK cells (% of CD3-CD56+ expressing CXCR6; Stegmann et al., Sci Reports, 2016) and/or the frequency of CD69+CD103+ CD8 TRM (% of CD8 expressing both CD69 and CD103; Pallett et al., JEM, 2017) from flow cytometric data, to obtain a colour-coded percentage indicating how 'liver-like' (red) or 'blood-like' (blue) that sample is. 

Please also find here a link to the corresponding article: 'Fine needle aspirates comprehensively sample intrahepatic immunity' (Gill and Pallett et al., GUT, 2018) and an associated review: 'Liver sampling: a vital window into HBV pathogenesis on the path to functional cure' (Gill et al., GUT, 2018).

Associated review: