LCN Facilities and Safety
Health and Safety Handbook
The LCN Health and Safety Handbook is the main source of safety information in the department and everyone who uses the department should read it. To support the Handbook, Guidance Notes and Health and Safety Forms have been created, which can be found in a link further below.
- Safety Committee
The LCN Health and Safety Management Committee is the focal point for health, safety, and fire safety compliance. It aims are to support LCN staff to ensure that there is a co-ordinated approach for health and safety management within the LCN Building. It meets approximately three times per year, receives reports from all departmental safety officers, reviews any safety incident reports, and discusses any significant policy changes. Minutes of the meetings can be found here.
Terms of Reference
The Terms of Reference for the committee can be found here.
Role Representative LCN Director (Chair) Steve Bramwell Departmental Safety Officer (Vice Chair) Ralph Hick Deputy Departmental Safety Officer Li Chen Laser Safety Officer Sabrina Simoncelli GM Safety Officer vacant Information Systems Manager Fabrice Ducluzeau Departmental Manager Yael Moscou Academic Representative Steven Schofield Postdoctoral Researcher Representative Sarah Goodband Postgraduate Representative Diego Barlettani Union Representative Taylor Stock Wellbeing Champion Lopa Murgai Secretary to Committee vacant Estates Safety Advisor Russell Ham
- Safety Objectives
LCN Safety Objectives
The Departmental Objectives for 2023-24 are:
- Safety Inspections: All labs to have a safety inspection by September 2024. All labs to perform recorded Monthly Safety Checks, assessed in Lab Inspections. Owner: Safety Manager.
- Wellbeing: Department to have one large Wellbeing campaign completed by October 2024. Owner: ED&I Committee.
- Lab Storage: Labs to arrange a regular self-organised tidy up once a year. Department to organise storage for lab equipment that is not currently in use by June 2024. Owner: Lab Managers and Facility Manager.
- Safety Risk Management Training: All Managers to complete the Safety Risk Management Programme training by September 2024. Owner: Head of Department.
- Safety Training: Department to increase Safety Training & Completion to 95% (as required by UCL). Owner: Head of Department.
UCL Safety Objectives
The UCL Safety Objectives are published on the UCL webpage each year.
Incident Reporting
Reporting Hazard Observations, Near Misses, Injuries, and Other Incidents means that issues can be investigated and new control measures put in to prevent accidents in the future. In the Swiss Cheese Model, each hole represents a flaw which could cause an incident to happen. If these flaws are reported early (e.g. by Hazard Observations or Near Misses), the holes can be patched or made smaller up by introducing new control measures. It is only when a number of flaws line up that accidents happen. To this end, please continue to report any hazards, misses, or incidents using the riskNET link below: