This group aims to facilitate student understanding and provide an insight to patient/carers experience in health, illness and medicine, empathy and professional and collaborative skills.
Our priorities include ensuring accessibility and inclusivity within the collaboration as well as for any public contributor interested in involvement in teaching on our courses, with the following outcomes:
- Enhance student learning of community medicine to ensure it is centred around the priorities of patients, carers and members of the public who use healthcare services.
- Develop the Community, Primary Care and Pharmacy curricula by using 6 National Standards in Education, including:
- Inclusive opportunities,
- Support and Learning,
- Working together,
- Communication,
- Impact,
- Governance, and
- Membership
The Collaborative EbE Group includes UCL academic staff and administrators, and members of the public who are experts by experience. Invitation for membership has been extended to the teaching teams and members of the public who are currently part of the existing School of Pharmacy Public, Patient, Carers & Engagement (PPCE) and the Primary Care Medical Education Expert by Experience (EbE) Working Groups. All members of both groups will be invited to each meeting. Anyone who wishes to no longer attend meetings or receive invitations is free to opt out at any time.
Group Leads:
• Dr Afia B. Ali - PPI Working Group Chair
• Dr Sarah Armstrong - Primary Care EbE Group Chair
Professional Services support staff:
• Ms Vicky Welsh - Secretary
• Ms Wahida Mizan - Teaching Administrator
Academic group members:
• Prof Sophie Park - Director of Medical Education (Primary Care and Community)
• Prof Cate Whittlesea - Associate Director (Clinical Education)
• Dr Surinder Singh - Clinical Senior Lecturer & iBSc Programme Director
• Dr Audrey Mercer - MPharm Y2 Lead
• Dr Mine Orlu - MPharm IPE Lead
• Mrs Louise Brown - MPharm Clinical Teaching Lead
• Dr Lizzie Mills - Associate Professor in Pharmacy Practice
• Mr Chris Russell - UCL SoP Student and Academic Support Manager
There is no restriction on numbers of members. Any new potential membership (UCL staff or member of the public) will be discussed between the Group Leads and if appropriate raised with all group members before new members are invited to the group.