New Dean for the Faculty of Life Sciences
12 April 2024
The Faculty of Life Sciences has welcomed our new Dean, Professor Gail Taylor. Gail has joined us from the UC Davis Department of Plant Science.

Gail has been endowed with the first UCL Quain Professor of Botany for over thirty years in recognition of her research expertise in Plant Sciences. Gail takes up her new role after seven years at the University of California, Davis where she was Chair of Plant Sciences, the largest department on campus. Prior to this Gail spent 18 years at the University of Southampton, where she was Director of Research on the leadership team for the REF with her own research on Plant, Environment and Sustainability Science, focused on the societal challenges of Sustainable Food and Energy Production and Adaptation to the Changing Environment, particularly through research that crosses disciplinary boundaries.
Gail is looking forward to engaging with students and staff and supporting the delivery of excellent teaching and research.