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Materials relating to Russian, Central European and East European Art and Creative Arts

Index to the documentary materials on Russian, Central European and East European arts and performances of Russian, Central European or East European ballet, music and opera, held by UCL SSEES Library

This index includes the subjects of Art, Architecture, Ballet, Classical and Popular Music, Opera, Photography, Rock Music, Television and Theatre. It also includes some feature films about the lives of the named individuals.

The Call numbers of the discs and tapes on which these films are held are given after the entries. Follow the link to retrieve full details. Timings for recordings include advertising breaks.

DVD language options

For DVD material the original language is indicated, together with brief details of the subtitle options. Many of the DVDs in the collection offer optional subtitles in a range of languages. For further information on these language options, follow the link.

Collection contents

Materials are listed country by country and within them under sections referring to different art forms:

Central and Eastern Europe and Russia generally

Art and Architecture

  • The Rape of Europa, 2006, 117 minutes, in English with some German, Polish, French, Russian and Italian with English subtitles
    Call number DVD-2194

Classical and Popular Music

  • Balkan Fascination : Creating an Alternative Music Culture in America, directed by Mirjana Lausevic, 46 minutes, in various Balkan languages and English
    Call number DVD-1262
  • Klezmer - Fiddler on the Hoof. Rhythms of the World, produced by Simon Broughton, BBC2, 20 June 1992, 55 minutes
    Call number V-615


  • The Persuaders. Photographic Propaganda in the 1930s [includes Aleksandr Rodchenko at the White Sea Canal] produced and directed by Clare Beavan, Decisive Moments, The Photographs That Made History, Programme 2, BBC2, 11 October 1997, 50 minutes
    Call number V-778

Rock Music and Popular Culture

General Materials

  • Extreme East [East European and Russian youth culture and music]
    Programme 1: Király Tamás, Hungarian fashion designer; Borghesia, Slovenian rock group; Algirdas Kauspedas, singer with Lithuanian rock group Antis, becomes head of state television; Atan, video and music studios, Slovakia; Galopping Coroners with Attila Grandpierre, Hungarian rock group; Cholbon, Iaukutian rock group AND
    Programme 2: Laibach, Slovenian rock group; Free Academy group of artists, including Boris Iukhananov, Moscow; Golden Life, Polish rock group; Volodia Nigilovskii, painter and musician, Moscow; Miladojka Youneed, Slovenian singer and rock group; Forbidden Radio, Budapest AND
    Programme 3: Brigada S, Russian rock group; Kolia Vasin, John Lennon enthusiast, St Petersburg; Apteka, Polish rock group; Lois Viktor, Hungarian musician-inventor; Prague Rock clubs; Ecstasy of St Theresa, Bohemian rock group AND
    Programme 4: Ema Kugler, Slovenian fashion designer; Golden Life, Polish rock group; Béla Máriás, Yugoslav-Hungarian dadaist musician; Radio Student, Slovenia; Borghesia, Slovenian rock group; Prazsky Vyber, Bohemian rock group, with singer turned politician Michael Kocab; Kart Blans, Latvian rock group AND
    Programme 5: Free Academy, Moscow, and fashion designer Larisa; Laibach, Slovenian rock group; Nina Vangeli, Prague theatre director; Mare Kovacic, Slovenian video artist and sculptor; Sziámi, Hungarian rock group; Derevo, St Petersburg theatre group now based in Prague; László Fe Lugossy, Hungarian artist and writer AND
    Programme 6: Kolibri, St Petersburg women's rock group; Irwin Fine Arts Group, Ljubljana; Avia, Russian rock group; Orchestra Luna, Hungarian group, with composer Agi Kamondi; András Dér, Hungarian film director and his film Siberian Summer; Czech rock group Psí Vojaci; Nordung Cosmokinetic Theatre, Slovenia; Balkán Futouristi, Hungarian rock group;
    executive producers Ian Cross and Simon Nash, Channel Four, 26 July and 2, 9, 16, 23 and 30 August 1992, 28 + 28 + 28 + 28 + 28 +28 minutes
    Call number V-617
  • Iia-KhKha, directed by Rashid Nugmanov, 1986, 36 minutes, in Russian with French subtitles
    Call number DVD-6133 (Blu ray disc)
    Call number DVD-6134 (DVD)

REED, Dean

  • The Incredible Case of Comrade Rockstar. The story of Dean Reed, directed by Leslie Woodhead, BBC2, 28 February 1992, 90 minutes
    Call number V-615
  • Kto vy, Mister Reed? [Who Are You, Mr Reed?] 2004, 44 minutes, in Russian
    Call number V-1114


Art and Architecture


  • Akop Ovnatanian [Hagop Hovnatanian] 1965, 10 minutes, Russian titles, no subtitles
    Call number DVD-27
    Call number DVD-1692


Classical and Popular Music - Individual Composers, Singers, Conductors, Performers

Narodnyi albom

  • Narodny Albom. 20 lat [Narodny Albom. 20 Years. A Musical Show] 2016, 94 minutes, in Belarusian with optional Polish and English subtitles
    Call number DVD-5189


Classical and Popular Music

  • Ne damo te pismo naša. Poljud. Koncert Godine [We Won't Give Up Our Song. Annual Concert in Poljud Stadium, Split] 2006, 142 minutes, in Croatian without subtitles
    Call number DVD-1713


Art and Architecture - Individual Painters, Architects and Museum Directors

CHATRNÝ, Dalibor

  • Statická kompozice [Static Composition] 1970/1992, 13 minutes 36 seconds, no dialogue
    Call number DVD-4717
  • Mřiže. Akustickooptická skladba pro klavír a film [Bars. Acoustico-optical Composition for Piano and Film] 1970/1992, 10 minutes 18 seconds, no dialogue
    Call number DVD-4717
  • Geneze [Genesis] 1970/1992, 8 minutes 2 seconds, no dialogue
    Call number DVD-4717


  • Dvojí život Josefa Hlinomaze [The Double Life of Josef Hlinomaz] directed by Jiří Brdečka, 1976, 11 minutes 23 seconds, in Czech with optional English subtitles
    Call number DVD-4757


  • Som prekliaty fotograf [I Am a Cursed Photographer] directed by Július Matula, 1969, 13 minutes 39 seconds, in Slovak with optional English subtitles, optional Slovak subtitles for the deaf and hard of hearing and optional Slovak audio-description
    Call number DVD-6008 

TOYEN (Marie Čermínová)

  • Toyen, directed by Jan Němec, 2005, 66 minutes, in Czech with optional English subtitles
    Call number DVD-5190

See also films by Jan NĚMEC under Czechoslovakia and the Czech Republic in the Index of Central and East European Feature Films, and under Czechoslovakia and the Czech Republic in the Index of Documentaries on Central and East European Subjects.


PIÑOS, Alois

  • Statická kompozice [Static Composition] 1970/1992, 13 minutes 36 seconds, no dialogue
    Call number DVD-4717
  • Mřiže. Akustickooptická skladba pro klavír a film [Bars. Acoustico-optical Composition for Piano and Film] 1970/1992, 10 minutes 18 seconds, no dialogue
    Call number DVD-4717
  • Geneze [Genesis] 1970/1992, 8 minutes 2 seconds, no dialogue
    Call number DVD-4717

Theatre - General Materials

  • P.Q. 67 - 03. 40 Years of the Prague Quadrennial. The Largest International Exhibition of Scenography and Theatre Architecture, 2007, 29 + 77 minutes, in English
    Call number DVD-1897

Theatre - Individuals and Individual Theatre Companies


  • Zpráva o pohřbívání v Čechách [Report on a Burial in Bohemia] 1990, 75 minutes, in Czech with optional Czech subtitles
    Call number DVD-5721


  • Play Macbeth, 1991, 88 minutes, in Czech with optional Czech subtitles
    Call number DVD-5721

Czech Republic

Art and Architecture

  • Proměna Údolí. Město, příroda a lidé v pohybu Praha, Radlice, nová budova ČSOB [The Changing Valley. Town, Nature and People in Motion Prague, Radlice, the New Building of the CSOB] 2008, 57 minutes, in Czech without subtitles
    Call number DVD-1916


  • B4 in Concert, 15 May 2006, CD, 8 tracks, total running time 52 minutes
    Call number DVD-2228


Art and Architecture


  • Peizazh s mozhzhevel´nikom [Landscape with Juniper] directed by Andrei Khrzhanovskii and Valerii Ugarov, 1987, 30 minutes, in Russian
    Call number V-1090

Television - Individuals Connected with Television

OTT, Urmas

  • "Nezhnyi potroshitel´". Urmas Ott ["The Tender Disemboweller." Urmas Ott] 2009, 44 minutes, in Russian with Russian subtitles
    (A film about the television journalist Urmas Ott, the interviewer on the famous TV series Televizionnoe znakomstvo, which began in 1987)
    Call number RD-262


Rock Music


  • Rocky VI, 1986, 9 minutes, song, no dialogue
    Call number DVD-947
    Call number DVD-1492
  • LA Woman, 1987, 5 minutes, song, no dialogue
    Call number DVD-947
    Call number DVD-1492
  • Thru the Wire, 1987, 6 minutes, song, no dialogue
    Call number DVD-947
    Call number DVD-1492
  • Leningrad Cowboys Go America, 1989, 76 minutes, in English and Finnish with optional English subtitles
    Call number DVD-1490
  • These Boots, 1992, 5 minutes, song, no dialogue
    Call number DVD-947
    Call number DVD-1492
  • Those Were the Days, 1992, 5 minutes, song, no dialogue
    Call number DVD-947
    Call number DVD-1492
  • Puna-armeijan kuoro ja Leningrad Cowboys [Leningrad Cowboys Total Balalaika Show] directed by Aki Kaurismäki, 1993, 57 minutes, in English and Russian
    Call number DVD-947
    Call number DVD-1492
  • Leningrad Cowboys Meet Moses, 1994, 90 minutes, in English with some subtitles
    Call number DVD-1491


  • Kovasikajuttu [The Punk Syndrome] directed by Jukka Kärkkäinen and Jani-Petteri Passi, 2012, 85 minutes, in Finnish with English subtitles
    Call number DVD-3908

German Democratic Republic

Classical and Popular Music

  • Klassik und Kalter Krieg. Musiker in der DDR [Classical Music and Cold War: Musicians in the GDR] 2012, 53 minutes, in German with optional English, French Spanish, Italian and Japanese subtitles
    Call number DVD-3541

Rock Music

  • Flüstern und Schreien, Ein Rock-Report [Whisper and Shout. A Rock-Report] 1988, 116 minutes, in German with optional English subtitles
    Call number DVD-3125


Art and Architecture - Individual Painters, Architects and Museum Directors

BÖTTCHER, Jürgen (Strawalde)

  • Frau am Klavichord [Woman at the Virginal] directed by Jürgen Böttcher, 1981, 15 minutes, no dialogue
    Call number DVD-6001
  • Potters Stier [Potter's Bull] directed by Jürgen Böttcher, 1981, 16 minutes, no dialogue
    Call number DVD-6001
  • Venus nach Giorgione [Venus according to Giorgione] directed by Jürgen Böttcher, 1981, 22 minutes, no dialogue
    Call number DVD-6001
  • Penck und Strawalde malen gemeinsam ein Bild [Penck and Strawalde paint a picture together] 1991, 29 minutes, in German with optional French subtitles or in English version
    Call number DVD-5953

See also documentary films by Jürgen Böttchera feature film by Jürgen Böttcher and documentaries about Jürgen Böttcher's work as a film maker in the Cinema index.

BONK, Hartmut

  • Im Lohmgrund [In the Lohmgrund] directed by Jürgen Böttcher, 1976, 26 minutes, in German with optional English and French subtitles
    Call number DVD-6004


  • Kurzer Besuch bei Hermann Glöckner [A Short Visit to Hermann Glöckner] directed by Jürgen Böttcher, 1984, 31 minutes, in German with optional English and French subtitles
    Call number DVD-6001


  • Käthe Kollwitz: Bilder eines Lebens [Kathe Kollwitz: Pictures from Her Life] directed by Ralf Kirsten, 1986, 92 minutes, in German with English subtitles
    Call number DVD-4120


  • Max Liebermann. Ein Biografische Skizze [Max Liebermann. A Biographical Sketch] no date given, 13 minutes, in German
    Call number DVD-3404


  • Im Lohmgrund [In the Lohmgrund] directed by Jürgen Böttcher, 1976, 26 minutes, in German with optional English and French subtitles
    Call number DVD-6004

WINKLER, Ralf (Penck)

  • Penck und Strawalde malen gemeinsam ein Bild [Penck and Strawalde paint a picture together] 1991, 29 minutes, in German with optional French subtitles or in English version
    Call number DVD-5953

ZILLE, Heinrich

  • Ein Tag mit Zille in Sein' Milljöh [A Day with Zille in His Milljöh] no date given, 11 minutes, in German
    Call number DVD-3401

Classical and Popular Music

  • Das Reichsorchester [The Reichsorchester] directed by Enrique Sánchez Lansch, 2007, 90 minutes, in German with optional English, German, French, Spanish and Japanese subtitles
    (a film about the Berlin Philharmonic Orchestra and the Third Reich)
    Call number DVD-3542


Art and Architecture


  • A Memory of L. Moholy-Nagy, 1990, directed by John Halas, 14 minutes, in English
    Call number V-529

Classical and Popular Music - Individual Composers, Singers, Conductors, Performers


  • A Mágnás Miska története [The History of Mágnás Miska, also known as Tycoon Mickey] 2011, 27 minutes, in Hungarian with optional English subtitles
    Call number DVD-5118

KÁLMÁN, Imre (Emmerich)

  • Sil´va [Silva] directed by Aleksandr Ivanovskii, 1944, 78 minutes, in Russian
    (a screen version of his 1915 operetta Die Csárdásfürstin (The Gypsy Princess)
    Call number DVD-687
    Call number DVD-2118
  • Sil´va [Silva] directed by Ian Frid, 1981, 139 minutes, in Russian
    (a screen version of his 1915 operetta Die Csárdásfürstin (The Gypsy Princess)
    Call number RD-618, lacks start

LISZT, Ferenc

  • Szerelmi álmok - Liszt [Ferents List (Grezy liubvi)] [Dreams of Love - Liszt] 1970
    Call number V-1399 158 minutes, Russian language version
    Call number DVD-4736 and Call number DVD-4737 172 minutes, in Hungarian with optional English subtitles


Art and Architecture - Individual Painters, Architects and Museum Directors


  • Ostatnia rodzina [The Last Family] directed by Jan. P. Matuszyński, 2016, 117 minutes, in Polish with English subtitles
    Call number DVD-5003


  • Powidoki [Afterimage] directed by Andrzej Wajda, 2016, 95 minutes, in Polish with optional English subtitles
    Call number DVD-5269

Classical and Popular Music

CHOPIN, Fryderyk

  • Młodość Chopina [Youth of Chopin], directed by Aleksander Ford, 1951, 122 minutes, in Polish with optional English subtitles
    Call number DVD-2911
  • Chopin. Pragnenie Miłości [Chopin. Desire for Love] 2002, 118 minutes, English language version with optional Spanish subtitles
    Call number DVD-2051


  • Viva Maria!, directed by Agnieszka Smoczyńska, 2009, 17 minutes, in Polish with English subtitles
    Call number DVD-5591


  • The Last Klezmer. Leopold Kozlowski: His Life and his Music, 1994, 83 minutes, in English, Yiddish, Polish, Ukrainian, and Russian with English subtitles
    Call number DVD-2188


  • Moonlight Sonata, directed by Lothar Mendes, 1937, 83 minutes, in English
    Call number DVD-2153

Rock Music - Individuals and Groups

NIEMEN, Czesław

  • Sukces [Success] directed by Marek Piwowski, 1968, 13 minutes 10 seconds, in Polish with optional English, French, Russian and German subtitles
    Call number DVD-3931



  • "With Jerzy Grotowski, Nienadówka, 1980", 1980, 59 minutes, in English
    Call number DVD-2201

KANTOR, Tadeusz

  • Le Théatre de Tadeusz Kantor [The Theatre of Tadeusz Kantor] directed by Denis Bablet, 1991, 145 minutes, in French and English with English subtitles
    Call number DVD-1020


Art and Architecture

BRANCUSI, Constantin

  • Constantin Brancusi: the Monk of Modernism, BBC4, 10 March 2004, 30 minutes
    Call number V-270



  • Mady-Baby.Edu [production at the Teatrul Foarte Mic, Bucharest] 2004, 20 minutes, in Romanian without subtitles
    Call number DVD-1917

ION, Vera

  • Vitamine [production from the Foarte Mic Theatre Bucharest in the 2005-2006 season] 2006, 17 minutes, in Romanian without subtitles
    Call number DVD-1687

Russia, The Soviet Union

[For documentary materials about individual playwrights see the Documentary Materials about Russian, Central European and East European Writers index. There is a separate index for Literary Adaptations from Russian, Central European and East European Sources.
For documentary materials about individual actors and directors see also the Documentary Materials about Russian, Central European and East European Cinema index.]

In each individual section general materials are followed by materials on individuals, listed alphabetically.

General Works on the Arts and Culture

  • Ekaterina Tret´ia [Catherine III] [A film about Ekaterina Furtseva] 2000, 60 + 60 minutes, in Russian
    Call number V-1861

Art and Architecture - General Films on Art

  • The Arts and Glasnost: Artists, directed by Julia Cave, Omnibus, BBC1, 1987, 60 minutes
    Call number V-625
  • Auction. Peter and the Bear [Sotheby's in Russia] produced by Roger Mills, BBC2, 21 January 1994, 30 minutes
    Call number V-552
  • Blood on the Icons [the illegal export of national treasures] produced by John Drury, Assignment, BBC2, 27 April 1993, 45 minutes
    Call number V-549
  • Disgraced Monuments [The fate of public monuments in the ex-USSR] directed by Mark Lewis and Laura Mulvey, Channel Four, 6 June 1994, 60 minutes
    Call number V-556
  • Ernst Neizvestnyi - dialogi [Ernst Neizvestnyi - dialogues] 2000, 50 minutes, in Russian
    Call number V-1662
  • Glaz Bozhii [The Eye of God] A film to mark the centenary of the Gosudarstvennyi muzei izobrazitel´nykh iskusstv imeni A.S. Pushkina, 2012, 78 + 81 minutes, in Russian
    Call numbers RD-424 and RD-425
  • The Ikon and the Axe [art, culture and politics in the USSR] directed by Savva Kulish, Soviet Spring, Channel Four, 21 January 1990, 90 minutes
    Call number V-418
  • In Search of the Amber Room, directed by Stuart Clarke, Arthouse, Channel Four, 9 November 1997, 50 minutes
    Call number V-798
  • Irony Curtain. Art and Politics between the USSR and the USA, produced and directed by Barbara Grigor, Soviet Spring, Channel Four, 19 and 20 January 1990, 60 + 60 minutes
    Call number V-531
  • Pokushenie na Danaiu [The Attack on Danaë] 2007, 44 minutes, in Russian with Russian subtitles
    Call number V-2169
  • Prodat´ Ermitazh. Kak ukhodili shedevry [To Sell the Hermitage. How the Masterpieces Left] 2007, 44 minutes, in Russian
    Call number V-165
  • Sentimental´noe puteshestvie na Rodinu. Muzyka russkoi zhivopisi [A Sentimental Trip Home. The Music of Russian Painting] directed by Nikita Mikhalkov, 1996, 269 minutes, in Russian with optional subtitles
    Call number DVD-1235 Parts 1-5
    Call number DVD-1236 Parts 6-10
    Call number DVD-1237 Bonus materials
  • Trophies of War [German art treasures looted by the Russians after World War Two] The Late Show, 1995, 40 minutes
    Call number V-564
  • Vstrechi N. Khrushcheva s intelligentsiei v 1962 i 1963 [The Meetings of Nikita Khrushchev and the intelligentsia in 1962 and 1963] presented by Oleg Shklovskii, Kak eto bylo, Russian television, ORT, 11 September 1999, 40 minutes, in Russian [among the contributors are the artists Mikhail Vsevolodovich Ivanov, Pavel Nikonov, Boris Zhutovskii and Illarion Golitsyn]
    Call number V-961

Art and Architecture - Individual Painters, Architects and Museum Directors


  • Moria plamennyi poet. Ivan Aivazovskii [The Fiery Poet of the Sea. Ivan Aivazovskii] 2007, 38 minutes, in Russian
    Call number V-1183

ANDREEV, Nikolai

  • Paradnyi portret vlasti [An Official Portrait of Power] Fil´m vtoroi. Nikolai Andreev [Film Two. Nikolai Andreev] 2011, 26 minutes, in Russian
    Call number RD-379


  • Irina Antonova. Ia davno idu po priamoi [Irina Antonova. I Have Been Walking in a Straight Line for a Long Time] 2012, 59 minutes, in Russian
    (A film about the director of the Gosudarstvennyi muzei izobrazitel´nykh iskusstv imeni A.S. Pushkina)
    Call number RD-422


  • Biélutine. Dans le jardin du temps [Beliutin. In the Garden of Time] directed by Clément Cogitore, 2011, 35 minutes, in Russian with French subtitles
    Call number DVD-5580


  • Elegiia. Viktor Borisov-Musatov [Elegy. Viktor Borisov-Musatov] 2010, 39 minutes, in Russian
    Call number RD-463


  • Vladimir Borovikovskii, 1996, 6 minutes, in Russian with optional subtitles
    Call number DVD-1237
  • Vladimir Borovikovskii - Portret Ekateriny Nikolaevny Arsen´evoi [A Portrait of Ekaterina Nikolaevna Arsen´eva] directed by Nikita Mikhalkov, 1996, in Russian with optional subtitles
    Call number DVD-1236


  • Tret´iakovka. Posledniaia taina Briullova [The Tret´iakov Gallery. Briullov's Last Secret] 2007, 44 minutes, in Russian
    Call number V-1332


  • Paradnyi portret vlasti [An Official Portrait of Power] Fil´m pervyi. Isaak Brodskii [Film One. Isaak Brodskii] 2011, 26 minutes, in Russian
    Call number RD-379


  • Marc Chagall, LWT, 1984, 53 minutes
    Call number V-583
  • Shagal-Malevich [Chagall-Malevich] directed by Aleksandr Mitta, 2013
    Call number DVD-4085 121 minutes, in Russian
    Call number DVD-5009 117 minutes, in Russian with optional English subtitles

DEINEKA, Aleksandr

  • Kontrasty i ritmy Aleksandra Deineki [The Contrasts and Rhythms of Aleksandr Deineka] 2009, 39 minutes, in Russian
    Call number V-578


  • Dunaevskie. Tri sud´by [The Dunaevskiis. Three Fates] 2006, 36 minutes, in Russian
    Call number V-855


  • Paradnyi portret vlasti [An Official Portrait of Power] Fil´m tretii. Al´fred Eberling [Film Three. Al´fred Eberling] 2011, 26 minutes, in Russian
    Call number RD-379

FAL´K, Robert

  • Avtoportret v krasnoi feske. Robert Fal´k [Self Portrait in a Red Fez. Robert Fal´k] 2006, 39 minutes, in Russian
    Call number V-1469


  • Petr Fedotov, 1996, 5 minutes, in Russian with optional subtitles
    Call number DVD-1237
  • Petr Fedotov - Svatovstvo maiora [The Major's Engagement] directed by Nikita Mikhalkov, 1996, in Russian with optional subtitles
    Call number DVD-1236
  • Petr Fedotov - Zavtrak aristokrata [The Aristocrat's Breakfast] directed by Nikita Mikhalkov, 1996, in Russian with optional subtitles
    Call number DVD-1235

IAMSHCHIKOV, Savelii [Savva]

  • Savelii Iamshchikov. Chislius´ po Rossii. [Savelii Iamshchikov. I Count for Russia] 2009, 44 minutes, in Russian
    Call number RD-215


  • Art Lives. Wassily Kandinsky, 1985, 56 minutes, French, German or English narration with optional Italian subtitles
    Call number DVD-3211


  • Orest Kiprenskii, 1996, 6 minutes, in Russian with optional subtitles
    Call number DVD-1237
  • Orest Kiprenskii - Portret Evgrafa Davydova [A Portrait of Evgraf Davydov] directed by Nikita Mikhalkov, 1996, in Russian with optional subtitles
    Call number DVD-1235


  • The Art of Komar and Melamid, directed by Peter Wollen, Rear Window, Channel Four, 10 September 1991, 40 minutes
    Call number V-647


  • Mama [Mother] directed by Nikita Mikhalkov, 2003, 60 minutes, in Russian with optional Russian, English and French subtitles
    Call number DVD-1529
  • Krasnoe po zelenomu. Petr Konchalovskii [Red on Green. Petr Konchalovskii] 2006, 38 minutes, in Russian
    Call number V-842

KOROVIN, Konstantin

  • Konstantin Korovin, 1996, 5½ minutes, in Russian with optional subtitles
    Call number DVD-1237
  • Konstantin Korovin - Portret F. Shaliapina [A Portrait of Fedor Shaliapin] directed by Nikita Mikhalkov, 1996, in Russian with optional subtitles
    Call number DVD-1235


  • V poiskakh poteriannogo raia [In Search of Lost Paradise] directed by Evgenii Tsymbal, 2015, 52 minutes, in Russian with optional English, German, French and Russian subtitles
    Call number DVD-4888

KUKRYNIKSY (Mikhail Kupriianov, Porfirii Krylov and Nikolai Sokolov)

  • Kukryniksy protiv Gebbel´sa [The Kukriniksy against Goebbels] 2005, 44 minutes, in Russian
    Call number V-814

KUL´BIN, Nikolai

  • Zvezdy russkogo avangarda. Dedushka russkogo futurizma. Nikolai Kul´bin [Stars of the Russian Avant-Garde. The Grandfather of Russian Futurism. Nikolai Kul´bin] 2008, 24 minutes held, lacks start, in Russian
    Call number V-933

KUPER, Iurii

  • Odinochnyi zabeg na vremia. Iurii Kuper [Solitary Time Trial. Iurii Kuper] 2010, 38 minutes, in Russian
    Call number RD-184


  • Kogda voskhodit polunoshchnoe solntse [When the Midnight Sun Rises] directed by Viktor Spiridonov, 2006, 37 minutes, in Russian
    Call number V-322


  • Iurii Lobachev. Otets russkogo komiksa [Iurii Lobachev. The Father of Russian Comics] 2011, 39 minutes, in Russian
    Call number RD-386

LUBETKIN, Berthold

  • The Lives of Berthold Lubetkin, directed by David Kerr, The Works, BBC2, 28 May 1996, 30 minutes
    Call number V-588

LUR´E, Boris

  • Gertude Stein o Borisie Luriem [Gertrude Stein on Boris Lurie] 2018, 12 minutes 49 seconds, in English with Polish subtitles
    Call number DVD-5725


  • Velikii mistifikator. Kazimir Malevich [The Great Hoaxer. Kazimir Malevich] directed by Ekaterina Tiutina, 2003, 38 minutes, in Russian
    Call number V-454
  • Shagal-Malevich [Chagall-Malevich] directed by Aleksandr Mitta, 2013
    Call number DVD-4085 121 minutes, in Russian
    Call number DVD-5009 117 minutes, in Russian with optional English subtitles


  • Zvezdy russkogo avangarda. Rasshirennoe smotrenie Mikhail Matiushina [Stars of the Russian Avant-Garde. The Widened Watching of Mikhail Matiushin] 2011, 26 minutes, in Russian
    Call number RD-343

MEL´NIKOV, Konstantin

  • Genii i zlodei ukhodiashchei epokhi. Konstantin Mel´nikov [Geniuses and Villains of a Passing Epoch. Konstantin Mel´nikov] 2009, 27 minutes, in Russian
    Call number V-695


  • Novyi den´. Vera Mukhina. Ispytanie [New Day. Vera Mukhina. The Ordeal] 2004, 40 minutes, in Russian
    Call number V-1894


  • Paradnyi portret vlasti [An Official Portrait of Power] Fil´m Chetvertyi. Dmitrii Nalbandian [Film Four. Dmitrii Nalbandian] 2011, 26 minutes, in Russian
    Call number RD-379


  • Ernst Neizvestnyi. "Moia svoboda - odinochestvo" [Ernst Neizvestnyi. "My Freedom is Solitude"] 2009, 48 minutes, in Russian with Russian subtitles
    Call number V-1782


  • Dvoinoi portret. Bulgakov i Florenskii [A Double Portrait. Bulgakov and Florenskii] 2008, 44 minutes, in Russian
    Call number V-2154
    Call number RD-249

PEROV, Vasilii

  • Vasilii Perov, 1996, 4½ minutes, in Russian with optional subtitles
    Call number DVD-1237
  • Vasilii Perov - Portret F.M. Dostoevskogo [A Portrait of Fedor Dostoevskii] directed by Nikita Mikhalkov, 1996, in Russian with optional subtitles
    Call number DVD-1235


  • Kuz´ma Petrov-Vodkin. Mne legko v etoi neob´´iatnosti... [Kuz´ma Petrov-Vodkin. I'm at Ease in this Immensity...] 2013, 38 minutes, in Russian
    Call number RD-641

PIROSMANASHVILI, Niko [Niko Pirosmani]

  • Pirosmani, directed by Georgii Shengelaia, 1969, 84 minutes, in Georgian or in Russian with optional Russian, English, French, German, Spanish, Italian and Dutch subtitles
    Call number DVD-2218
  • Genii i zlodei ukhodiashchei epokhi. Niko Pirosmani. Brodiaga iz Tiflisa [Geniuses and Villains of a Passing Epoch. Niko Pirosmani. A Tramp from Tiflis] 2006, 30 minutes, in Russian
    Call number V-495

POLENOV, Vasilii

  • Vasilii Polenov, 1996, 7 minutes, in Russian with optional subtitles
    Call number DVD-1237
  • Vasilii Polenov - Moskovskii dvorik [Moscow Backyard] directed by Nikita Mikhalkov, 1996, in Russian with optional subtitles
    Call number DVD-1236

REPIN, Il´ia

  • Il´ia Repin, 1996, 10 minutes, in Russian with optional subtitles
    Call number DVD-1237
  • Il´ia Repin - Na dernovoi skameike [On a Turf Bench] directed by Nikita Mikhalkov, 1996, in Russian with optional subtitles
    Call number DVD-1235
  • Il´ia Repin - Verun´ia Repina, directed by Nikita Mikhalkov, 1996, in Russian with optional subtitles
    Call number DVD-1236


  • Fedor Rokotov, 1996, 7 minutes, in Russian with optional subtitles
    Call number DVD-1237
  • Fedor Rokotov - Portret Aleksandry Petrovny Struiskoi [A Portrait of Aleksandra Petrovna Struiskaia] directed by Nikita Mikhalkov, 1996, in Russian with optional subtitles
    Call number DVD-1235

RUBLEV, Andrei

  • Andrei Rublev (Strasti po Andreiu) [The Passion According to Andrew], directed by Andrei Tarkovskii, 1964-1966
    Call number V-363 174 minutes, in Russian with English subtitles
    Call number V-364 197 minutes, in Russian
    Call number V-1187 197 minutes, better quality copy, in Russian
    Call number DVD-38 205 minutes, in Russian with optional English subtitles
    Call number DVD-71 and Call number DVD-72 174 minutes, in Russian with optional dubbed versions and subtitles
    Call number DVD-4801 Blu ray disc (the film) and Call number DVD-4802 Blu ray disc (the supplements) 183 minutes, in Russian with optional English subtitles
  • Zagadki Andreia Rubleva [The Enigmas of Andrei Rublev] 2007, 44 minutes, in Russian
    Call number V-809

SEROV, Valentin

  • Valentin Serov, 1996, 7½ minutes, in Russian with optional subtitles
    Call number DVD-1237
  • Valentin Serov - Portret Nikolaia II [A Portrait of Nicholas II] directed by Nikita Mikhalkov, 1996, in Russian with optional subtitles
    Call number DVD-1236


See under CHAGALL, Marc


  • Genii i zlodei ukhodiashchei epokhi. Tri vystrela zodchego Shchuseva [Geniuses and Villains of a Passing Epoch. The Three Shots of the Architect Shchusev] 2006, 28 minutes, in Russian
    Call number V-633


  • Genii russkogo moderna. Fedor Shekhtel´ [The Genius of Russian Art Nouveau. Fedor Shekhtel´] 2009, 39 minutes, in Russian
    Call number V-1182


  • Avtoportret. Mikhail Shemiakin [A Self-Portrait. Mikhail Shemiakin] 2008, 36 minutes held, in Russian
    Call number V-1463


  • Ivan Shishkin, 1996, 6 minutes, in Russian with optional subtitles
    Call number DVD-1237
  • Ivan Shishkin - Dozhd´ v dubovom lesu [Rain in the Oak Wood] directed by Nikita Mikhalkov, 1996, in Russian with optional subtitles
    Call number DVD-1235
  • Ivan Shishkin - Polden´ bliz Moskvy [Midday Near Moscow] directed by Nikita Mikhalkov, 1996, in Russian with optional subtitles
    Call numebr DVD-1235


  • Vasya [Vasia] directed by Andrei Zagdanskii, 2002, 60 minutes, in English, Russian and German with English subtitles, or in Russian
    Call number DVD-924

SOROKA, Grigorii

  • Grigorii Soroka, 1996, 3 minutes, in Russian with optional subtitles
    Call number DVD-1237
  • Grigorii Soroka - Kabinet v Ostrovkakh [A Study in Ostrovki] directed by Nikita Mikhalkov, 1996, in Russian with optional subtitles
    Call number DVD-1236
  • Grigorii Soroka - Peizazh [Landscape] directed by Nikita Mikhalkov, 1996, in Russian with optional subtitles
    Call number DVD-1235

SURIKOV, Vasilii

  • Vasilii Surikov, directed by Anatolii Rybakov, 1959, 88 minutes, in Russian
    Call number V-2066

TATLIN, Vladimir

  • Konstruktivisty. Opyty dlia budushchego. Glava 1. Tatlin. Chast´ 2. Uletavl´. [The Constructivists. Experiments for the Future. Film 1. Tatlin. Part 2. Uletavl´] 2009, 39 minutes, in Russian
    Call number RD-202


  • Aleksandr Tikhomirov. I vnutr´ dushi napravliu vzgliad [Aleksandr Tikhomirov. And I shall Direct My Gaze into my Soul] 2010, 39 minutes, in Russian
    Call number RD-294


  • Fedor Vasil´ev, 1996, 15 minutes, in Russian with optional subtitles
    Call number DVD-1237
  • Fedor Vasil´ev - Ottepel´ [The Thaw] directed by Nikita Mikhalkov, 1996, in Russian with optional subtitles
    Call number DVD-1236


  • Slovo, Russian Television, 1990, programme devoted to the Leeds Russian Archive, includes 9 minutes on Vasnetsov, in Russian
    Call number V-759


  • Aleksei Venetsianov, 1996, 4½ minutes, in Russian with optional subtitles
    Call number DVD-1237
  • Aleksei Venetsianov - Utro pomeshchitsy [The Landowner's Wife's Morning] directed by Nikita Mikhalkov, 1996, in Russian with optional subtitles
    Call number DVD-1235
  • Aleksei Venetsianov - Zhnetsy [The Reapers] directed by Nikita Mikhalkov, 1996, in Russian with optional subtitles
    Call number DVD-1236

VRUBEL´, Mikhail

  • Kosmos Mikhail Vrubelia [The Cosmos of Mikhail Vrubel´] 2006, 39 minutes, in Russian
    Call number V-482


  • Epokha v kamne. Evgenii Vuchetich [The Epoch in Stone. Evgenii Vuchetich] 2008, 38 minutes, in Russian
    Call number V-1433

Ballet - General Films on Ballet

  • Ballets Russes, directed by Dayna Goldfine and Dan Geller, 2005, 119 minutes, in English
    Call number DVD-1035
  • Bolshoi Babylon, 2015, directed by Nick Read and Mark Franchetti, 83 minutes, in English and Russian with optional English subtitles for the hard of hearing
    Call number DVD-4568
  • Dancing for Dollars, directed by Angus MacQueen, 1. The Bolshoi in Vegas; 2. The Kirov in Petersburg; Channel Four, 11 and 18 May 1997, 50 and 55 minutes
    Call number V-594
  • For Art's Sake - The Story of Ballets Russes, produced and directed by Ross MacGibbon, BBC4, 19 December 2009, 60 minutes
    Call number RD-9
  • The Kirov celebrates Nijinsky, director and executive producer Ross MacGibbon, BBC2, 23 December 2002, 95 minutes
    Call number V-1447
  • Mastera russkogo baleta [Masters of the Russian Ballet] directed by Gerbert Rappaport, 1953, in Russian
    Call number V-1543 83 minutes
    Call number DVD-1962 79 minutes

Ballet - Individual Dancers, Choreographers and Impressarios


  • Apollon Musagète, directed by Irena Dodolová, 1951, 15 minutes 38 seconds
    Call number DVD-3861
  • Balanchine, 1984, 116 minutes, in English
    Call number DVD-3212


  • Sud´ba podvizhnika. Sergei Diagilev [The Fate of a Zealot. Sergei Diaghilev] 2002, 52 minutes, in Russian
    Call number V-768

DUNCAN, Isadora

  • Isadora, directed by Karel Reisz, 1968, 134 minutes, in English
    Call number DVD-3059
  • Isadora, The Royal Ballet production from the Royal Opera House Covent Garden, Granada UK, 1981, directed and choreographed by Kenneth MacMillan, 107 minutes, English dialogue,
    Call number DVD-3060
  • Isadora Duncan. Movement from the Soul, directed by Dayna Goldfine and Daniel Geller, 1988, 58 minutes, in English
    Call number DVD-5021

FILIN, Sergei

  • Bolshoi Babylon, 2015, directed by Nick Read and Mark Franchetti, 83 minutes, in English and Russian with optional English subtitles for the hard of hearing
    Call number DVD-4568

FOKIN, Mikhail

  • Fighting for Fokine, directed and produced by Gerald Fox, The South Bank Show, LWT, 7 December 1997, 60 minutes
    Call number V-797

GODUNOV, Aleksandr

  • Aleksandr Godunov. Pobeg v nikuda [Aleksandr Godunov. Flight to Nowhere] 2005, 44 minutes, in Russian
    Call number V-1144


  • Ostrova. Eto pis´mo ia pisala v perchatkakh. Vera Karalli [Islands. I Wrote that Letter in Gloves. Vera Karalli] 2010, 40 minutes, in Russian
    Call number RD-210


  • Spartacus, 1984, 127 minutes
    Call number DVD-1298

See also under Classical and Popular Music

KSHESHINSKAIA, Matil´da [Matylda Maria Krzesińska]

  • Istoricheskie khroniki. 1971. Balerina i tsar´ (Matil´da Kshesinskaia) [Historical Chronicles. 1971. The Ballerina and the Tsar (Matil´da Kshesinskaia)] 2008, 44 minutes, in Russian
    The key subjects of this episode are: the life of Matil´da Kshesinskaia; and the experience of the first and third emigrations.
    Call number RD-443
  • Matil´da [Matilda] [Mathilde] directed by Aleksei Uchitel´, 2017
    Call number DVD-5291 108 minutes, in Russian
    Call number DVD-5367 104 minutes, in Russian (better quality copy)
    Call number DVD-5485 108 minutes, in Russian with optional English subtitles

LIEPA, Andris

  • Andris Liepa. Trudno byt´ printsem [Andris Liepa. It's Difficult to be a Prince] 2012, 44 minutes, in Russian
    Call number RD-414

LIEPA, Maris

  • Maris Liepa. Ia khochu tantsevat´ sto let [Maris Liepa. I Want to Dance for a Hundred Years] 2011, 39 minutes, in Russian
    Call number RD-304


  • Ulyana Lopatkina. L'âme de la danse [Ulyana Lopatkina. The Soul of the Dance] 2007, 27 minutes, in Russian with English subtitles
    Call number DVD-3213


  • Irek Mukhamedov, Omnibus, BBC1, 1 November 1991, 55 minutes
    Call number V-609

NIZHINSKII, Vatslav [NIŻYŃSKI, Wacław ] [NIJINSKY, Vaslav]

  • The Kirov celebrates Nijinsky, director and executive producer Ross MacGibbon, BBC2, 23 December 2002, 95 minutes
    Call number V-1447

NUREEV, Rudol´f

  • Nureyev, directed by Patricia Foy, 1991, 89 minutes, in English with some Russian with English voiceover and with optional French and German subtitles
    Call number DVD-5022
  • Rudolf Nureev [includes extract from Romeo and Juliet] Omnibus, BBC1, 12 January 1993, 75 minutes
    Call number V-611
  • Rudolf Nureyev. Dancing through Darkness, directed by Teresa Griffiths, BBC1, 14 January 1997, 50 minutes
    Call number V-644
  • Rudol´f Nuriev. Kontrakt so smert´iu [Rudolf Nureev. Contract with Death] 2006, 45 minutes, in Russian
    Call number V-323
  • Nureyev: From Russia with Love [Documentary offering a rare insight into the early career of dancer Rudolf Nureyev], written and produced by John Bridcut, BBC2, 22 September 2007, 90 minutes
    Call number V-1392
  • Nureyev - Dance to Freedom, directed by Richard Curson Smith, 2015, 90 minutes, in English with some Russian and French with English voiceover
    Call number DVD-5023
  • Nureyev, directed by Jacqui Morris, David Morris, 2018, 109 minutes, in English with some Russian with optional English, French, Italian and Spanish subtitles and with optional English subtitles for the deaf and hard of hearing, optional French, Italian and Spanish subtitles and an optional French dubbed version
    Call number DVD-5846 
  • The White Crow, directed by Ralph Fiennes, 2018, 127 minutes, in English with some Russian and French with optional English subtitles and with optional English subtitles for the deaf and hard of hearing and optional English audio description
    Call number DVD-5845 (Blu ray disc)


  • The Dumb Girl of Portici, directed by Lois Weber and Phillips Smalley, 1915, 113 minutes, English intertitles, silent with added music score, tinted
    Call number DVD-5993 
  • Anna Pavlova's 9.5mm Home Movies, 1920s, 14 minutes 51 seconds, no dialogue
    Call number DVD-5994 
  • Anna Pavlova Dances at Douglas Fairbanks Studio, 1924, 14 minutes 48 seconds, no dialogue
    Call number DVD-5994 
  • Anna Pavlova in Newsreels
    Consisting of:
    Pavlova as Fairy Godmother Kew, Topic Budget, 1924
    Pavlova's triumphant return, Topic Budget, in 1925
    Arrival of Dancer Anna Pavlova in the Netherlands, Polygoon Profilti Newsreel 1 November 1927
    Death of Anna Pavlova, Topic Budget, 1931, 2 minutes 58 seconds
    Call number DVD-5994 
  • The Immortal Swan. With Anna Pavlova. A Record of her Art and Life, directed by Edward Nakhimoff, 1935, 53 minutes, in English
    Call number DVD-5994 
  • Anna Pavlova, directed by Emil´ Lotianu, 1983, 145 minutes, in Russian
    Call number V-77
  • Pavlova. A Woman for All Time (Western version of Emil´ Lotianu's film Anna Pavlova, supervised by Michael Powell) 1983, 126 minutes, in English
    Call number DVD-2766

PETIPA, Marius

  • Tret´ia molodost´ [Third Youth] directed by Jean Dreville, 1965, 86 minutes, in Russian
    Call number V-1300


  • Maia Plisetskaia. A film in the series Zhizn´ zamechatel´nykh liudei [The Life of Remarkable People] 2000, 28 minutes, in Russian
    Call number V-2104


  • Bolt, 2006, 87 minutes, with some Russian dialogue and optional English, French and German subtitles
    Call number DVD-1550


  • Lichnaia zhizn´ Galiny Ulanovoi [The Private Life of Galina Ulanova] 2005, 40 minutes, in Russian
    Call number V-665
  • Galina Ulanova. Odinochestvo bogini [Galina Ulanova. The Loneliness of a Goddess] 2009, 52 minutes, in Russian
    Call number RD-381
  • Galina Ulanova. Nezadannye voprosy [Galina Ulanova. Unasked Questions] 2010, 52 minutes, in Russian
    Call number RD-483


  • Veruiu... Iz zhizni znamenitykh [I Believe... From the Life of the Famous] 2001, 80 minutes, in Russian
    Call number V-1806


  • Svetlana Zakharova. Tsarine de la danse [Svetlana Zakharova. Tsarina of the Dance] 2007, 26 minutes, in Russian with English subtitles
    Call number DVD-3213

Classical and Popular Music - General Films on Classical and Popular Music

  • All the Russias: A Musical Journey [The entire sweep of Russian musical history is explored in this five-part series.]
    Part 1. The Little Birch Tree [The use of folk melodies by Russian composers]
    Part 2. Holy Mother Russia [The spiritual side of Russia's musical heritage and religious influences on composers]
    Part 3. Devils [The darker side of Russia's past reflected in its musical heritage]
    Part 4. Once Upon A Time [The inspiration of fairy tales on Russian ballet, opera and other musical works]
    Part 5. Looking East, Looking West [The cultural and musical impact of Russia's love/hate relationship with her neighbours]
    BBC4, 10, 17 September 2003 (parts 1-2), 13, 20, 27 May 2003 (parts 3-5), 60 + 60 + 60 + 60 + 60 minutes
    Call number V-1688 Parts 1-2
    Call number V-1458 Parts 3-5
  • A u nas vo dvore [But in Our Courtyard] 2011, 39 minutes, in Russian
    (A film in the series Veselyi zhanr neveselogo vremeni. This film is about the songs of the 1950s and 1960s)
    Call number RD-375
  • Bol´shoi kontsert [The Big Concert] directed by Vera Stroeva, 1951, 103 minutes, in Russian
    Call number V-1788
  • Dachniki [Dacha Dwellers] broadcast of 7 March 2004, a film about Russian jazz, 44 minutes, in Russian
    Call number V-2085
  • Dym otechestva: voennaia pesnia [Smoke of the Fatherland: Military Song] audio collection of 100 songs, 2010, double-sided disc, in Russian
    Call number DVD-3070 (side A)
  • I bozhestvo, i vdokhnoven´e... Dva veka russkogo romansa [And Divinity and Inspiration... Two Centuries of the Russian Romance] 2004, 52 minutes, in Russian
    Call number V-682
  • Kontsert frontu [A Concert for the Front] directed by Mikhail Slutskii, 1942, 57 minutes, in Russian
    Call number V-1761
  • Liubimye pesni nashego kino 1 [Favourite Songs of Our Cinema, 1] 2001, 50 minutes, in Russian
    Call number V-1773
  • Liubimye pesni nashego kino 2 [Favourite Songs of Our Cinema, 2] 2001, 53 minutes, in Russian
    Call number V-1774
  • Muzyka "na rebrakh" [Music on 'Ribs'] 2007, 40 minutes, in Russian
    Call number V-856
  • Ochi chernye. Istoriia pesni [Black Eyes. The Story of a Song] 2007, 52 minutes, in Russian
    Call number V-1885
  • Pesni nashego dvora. Territoriia svobody [Songs of Our Courtyard. Territory of Freedom] 2006, 55 minutes, in Russian
    Call number V-495
  • Pesni nashei Rodiny [Songs of the Motherland] 2004, 71 minutes, in Russian
    Call number V-2131
  • Pesni Velikoi Pobedy [Songs of the Great Victory] 2005, 89 minutes, in Russian
    Call number V-2058
  • Russian New Music: directed by Mike Dodds;
    Programme 1, Sergey Kuryokhin and Pop Mechanics;
    Programme 2, Father of New Music, Viacheslav Ganelin;
    Programme 3, The Collective Arkhangel´sk;
    Programme 4, Voices of New Music, Sainkho Namchylak from Tuva and gypsy singer Valentina
    Ponomareva; Programme 5, Trip through Yankee Doodle, Viacheslav Guivoronskii and Vladimir Volkov from St Petersburg;
    Channel Four, 30 January and 6, 13, 20 and 27 February 1992, 55 + 25 + 25 + 25 + 25 minutes
    Call number V-605
  • Russian New Music: directed by Mike Dodds;
    Programme 6, Folk Connection, Azia Mustapha-Zade and Misha Alperin;
    Programme 7, Letter from Volgograd, Orkestrion;
    Programme 8, Balkan Suite, Anatolii Vapirov and Sergei Kurekhin;
    Programme 9, Experimental Echoes, Zga, Aleksei Tegin and Natasha Pshenichnikova;
    Programme 10, Western Links, Petras Vysniauskas;
    Channel Four, 5, 12 and 19 March and 16 and 23 April 1992, 25 + 25 + 25 + 25 + 25 minutes
    Call number V-606
  • The songs "Sviashchennaia voina" [Holy War], "Sinii platochek" [The Blue Headscarf] and "Mishka-odessit" [Mishka From Odessa] from the Kinoal´manakh Kontsert frontu [A Concert for the Front] 1942, 2 + 3 + 4 minutes
    Call number V-1249
  • Soviet Echoes. Tales from the Archives, directed by Barrie Gavin;
    1. Treasures and Shadows [especially Ashkenazy and Rostropovich];
    2. Rewards and Punishments [especially Shostakovich and Stravinsky];
    3. Traditions and Hopes;
    Channel Four, 19 and 26 November and 10 December 1995, 52 + 52 + 52 minutes
    Call number V-607
  • Veselyi zhanr neveselogo vremeni. Fil´m pervyi. Ot gorodskogo romansa k sovetskoi pesne [A Joyful Genre in a Joyless Time. Film One. From the Urban Romance to the Soviet Song] 2011, 39 minutes, in Russian
    (This film is about the songs of the 1920s and 1930s)
    Call number RD-374
  • Veselyi zhanr neveselogo vremeni. Fil´m vtoroi. Temnaia noch´ [A Joyful Genre in a Joyless Time. Film Two. A Dark Night] 2011, 39 minutes, in Russian
    (This film is about the songs of the Great Patriotic War)
    Call number RD-374
  • Veselyi zhanr neveselogo vremeni. Fil´m tretii. Gor´kie plody pobedy [Film Three. The Bitter Fruit of Victory] 2009, 39 minutes, in Russian
    (This film is about the songs of the post-war period)
    Call number RD-375

Classical and Popular Music - Individual Composers, Singers, Conductors, Performers

ALEKSANDROV, Aleksandr and the Aleksandrov Ensemble

  • Poiushchee oruzhie. Ansambl´ Aleksandrova [Singing Weaponry. The Aleksandrov Ensemble] 2008, 44 minutes, in Russian
    Call number V-173
  • Ansambl´ Aleksandrova - voennye pesni [The Alexandrov Ensemble - Military Songs] 2010, 133 minutes, in Russian
    Call number DVD-3070


  • Oleg Anofriev. Mezhdu proshlym i budushchim [Oleg Anofriev. Between the Past and the Future] 2010, 58 minutes, in Russian
    Call number V-735

ARTEM´EV, Eduard

  • Eduard Artem´ev. V svoem fantasticheskom mire [Eduard Artem´ev. In His Own Fantastic World] 2012, 55 minutes, in Russian
    Call number RD-548
  • New interview with the composer Eduard Artem´ev, 2021, 22 minutes 11 seconds, in Russian with optional English subtitles
    Call number DVD-6176 (Blu ray disc. The Criterion Collection, No. 1084)


  • Soviet Echoes. Tales from the Archives, 1. Treasures and Shadows, Channel Four, 19 November 1995, 52 minutes
    Call number V-607

BAKSHI, Aleksandr

  • Tekhnologiia tvorchestva: Bakshi [The Technology of Creation: Bakshi] 2001, 54 minutes, in Russian
    Call number V-2018

BEREZKA Ansambl´

  • Kontsert ansamblia "Berezka" [A Concert by the Berezka Ensemble] 2010, 72 minutes, in Russian
    Call number DVD-3070

BETULINSKAIA, Anna (Anna Marli, Anna Iur´evna Smirnova)

  • Russkie bez Rossii. Russkaia muza frantsuzskogo soprotivleniia [Russians without Russia. The Russian Muse of the French Resistance] 2010, 43 minutes, in Russian
    Call number V-1732


  • Pomniu...Liubliu...Matvei Blanter, REN TV, 1999, presented by Vladimir Molchanov, Russian Television, Channel One, 4 September 1999, 30 minutes, in Russian
    Call number V-957
  • Pesni Matveia Blantera. Gala-kontsert k 100-letiiu so dnia rozhdeniia kompozitora [The Songs of Matvei Blanter. A Gala-Concert for the Centenary of the Composer's Birth] 2003, 60 minutes, in Russian
    Call number V-480


  • Nikita Bogoslovskii. Pod maskoi shutnika [Nikita Bogoslovskii. Under a Joker's Mask] 2007, 44 minutes, in Russian with Russian subtitles
    Call number RD-366

BORODIN, Aleksandr

  • Kniaz´ Igor´ [Prince Igor] directed by Roman Tikhomirov, 1969, 109 minutes, in Russian with English subtitles
    Call number DVD-3707


  • Evgenii Onegin, directed by Roman Tikhomirov, 1958, 106 minutes, in Russian with English subtitles [based on the verse novel by Pushkin and the opera by Chaikovskii]
    Call number DVD-3706
  • Pikovaia dama [The Queen of Spades] directed by Roman Tikhomirov, 1960
    Call number V-1548 101 minutes, in Russian
    Call number DVD-3634 103 minutes, in Russian with English subtitles
  • Chaikovskii [Tchaikovsky] 1969, directed by Igor´ Talankin, 72 and 75 minutes, in Russian with optional dubbed versions and subtitles
    Call number DVD-36 and Call number DVD-37
  • The Music Lovers, directed by Ken Russell, 1970, 118 minutes, in English
    Call number DVD-2881
  • Who killed Tchaikovsky?, produced by John Purdie, Omnibus, BBC1, 7 December 1993, 50 minutes
    Call number V-591
  • Tchaikovsky, produced and directed by Simon Broughton, Great Composers, BBC2, 10 January 1998, 60 minutes
    Call number V-802
  • Apokrif: Muzyka dlia Petra i Pavla [Apocrypha: Music for Peter and Paul] directed by Adel Al-Haddad, 2004, 140 minutes, in Russian with optional English and French subtitles
    Call number DVD-5604
  • Genii i zlodei ukhodiashchei epokhi. Petr Il´ich Chaikovskii [Geniuses and Villains of a Passing Epoch. Petr Il´ich Chaikovskii] 2005, 30 minutes, in Russian
    Call number V-2108
  • Pathetique [Conductor Charles Hazlewood explores Tchaikovsky's final work] 2007, 59 minutes
    Call number V-882
  • The Queen of Spades [performance of the opera by Chaikovskii performed at the Maryinsky Theatre] conducted by Valery Gergiev, 2007, 170 minutes
    Call number V-320
  • Romeo and Juliet [Conductor Charles Hazlewood examines the Fantasy Overture from Romeo and Juliet] 2007, 59 minutes
    Call number V-882
  • Tchaikovsky: The Creation of Greatness [Conductor Charles Hazlewood presents a new two-part drama documentary on the life of Tchaikovsky] 2007, 52 minutes
    Call number V-893
  • Zhizn´ i smert´ Chaikovskogo [The Life and Death of Chaikovskii] 2010, 52 minutes, in Russian
    Call number RD-262
  • Black Swan, directed by Darren Aranofsky, 2011, 103 minutes, in English
    Call number DVD-2869
  • Dama Pik [The Queen of Spades] [La Dame de Pique] 2016, directed by Pavel Lungin, 115 minutes
    Call number DVD-5092 in Russian
    Call number DVD-5473 in Russian with optional French subtitles


  • Kamennyi gost´ [The Stone Guest] directed by Vladimir Gorikker, 1966, 81 minutes, in Russian
    Call number V-199


  • Vladimir Dashkevich. Sud´ba v muzyke [Vladimir Dashkevich. His Fate in Music] 2009, 39 minutes, in Russian
    Call number RD-346


  • Pestraia lenta. Etot mir priduman ne nami. [The Speckled Band. This World was not Invented by us] 2004, 44 minutes, in Russian
    Call number V-2068


  • Trauberg and Tutyshkin - Vol´nyi veter [Free Wind] 1961, 78 minutes, in Russian
    Call number DVD-5639
  • Pod kupolom tsirka [Under the Circus Tent] directed by Vladimir Semakov, 1989, 132 minutes, in Russian
    Call number V-2138
  • V poiskakh utrachennogo. Isaak Dunaevskii [In Search of What is Lost. Isaak Dunaevskii] 1998, 40 minutes, in Russian
    Call number V-1895
  • Dunaevskie. Tri sud´by [The Dunaevskiis. Three Fates] 2006, 36 minutes, in Russian
    Call number V-855
  • Legendy mirovogo kino. Isaak Dunaevskii [Legends of World Cinema. Isaak Dunaevskii] 2006, 26 minutes, in Russian
    Call number V-768
  • Veselye rebiata. Dunaevskie [The Happy Guys. The Dunaevskiis] 2010, 44 minutes, in Russian
    Call number V-205


  • Dunaevskie. Tri sud´by [The Dunaevskiis. Three Fates] 2006, 36 minutes, in Russian
    Call number V-855
  • Maksim Dunaevskii. Sud´be ne raz shepnu "mersi" [Maksim Dunaevskii. I Shall Whisper "Merci" to Fate More than Once] 2009, 56 minutes, in Russian
    Call number V-123
  • Veselye rebiata. Dunaevskie [The Happy Guys. The Dunaevskiis] 2010, 44 minutes, in Russian
    Call number V-205

EKIMIAN, General Aleksei

  • Posledniaia pesnia syshchika Ekimiana [The Investigator Ekimian's Last Song] 2007, 44 minutes, in Russian
    Call number V-2153


  • S zhuravlinoi staei. Sud´ba mastera [With a Flock of Cranes. The Master's Fate] 2010, 44 minutes, in Russian
    Call number RD-210

GALICH, Aleksandr

  • Ves´ Aleksandr Galich, 1 [All of Aleksandr Galich, 1] 2004, 219 minutes, in Russian
    Call number DVD-495
  • Ves´ Aleksandr Galich, 2 [All of Aleksandr Galich, 2] 2004, 208 minutes, in Russian
    Call number DVD-496
  • Ves´ Aleksandr Galich, 3 [All of Aleksandr Galich, 3] 2004, 321 minutes, in Russian
    Call number DVD-497

GERGIEV, Valerii

  • Valery Gergiev, directed by Rob van der Berg, The South Bank Show, ITV, 23 February 1997, 55 minutes
    Call number V-588
  • The Master and his Pupil [Valery Gergiev gives a masterclass to three talented young conductors] directed by Sonia Hermann Dolz, BBC4, 27 May 2003, 85 minutes
    Call number V-1450
  • The Queen of Spades [performance of the opera by Chaikovskii performed at the Maryinsky Theatre] conducted by Valery Gergiev, 2007, 170 minutes
    Call number V-320

GLINKA, Mikhail

  • Glinka, directed by Leo Arnshtam, 1946, 110 minutes, in Russian without subtitles
    Call number DVD-1988
  • Kompozitor Glinka [The Composer Glinka] directed by Grigorii Aleksandrov, 1952, 105 minutes, in Russian
    Call number V-1581
  • Ruslan i Liudmila. From the Mariinskii Theatre, St Petersburg, BBC2, 24 February 1994, 206 minutes, in Russian with English subtitles
    Call number V-608
  • Zhizn´ za Tsaria [A Life for the Tsar] 173 minutes, in Russian with optional English, French, German, Italian, Spanish and Portuguese subtitles
    Call number DVD-1297


  • Sil´nee vsekh inykh velenii (Siiuta na russkie temy) [Stronger than all other Imperatives (A Suite on Russian Themes)] directed by Boris Buneev, 1987, 95 minutes, in Russian
    Call number V-1418


  • Voskhozhdenie. Vstrecha s kompozitorom Sofiei Gubaidulinoi, Russian television, Channel 1, 19 September 1996, 40 minutes, in Russian
    Call number V-644
  • Sad radosti i pechali. Sofiia Gubaidulina [The Garden of Joy and Sadness. Sofiia Gubaidulina] 2001, 40 m inutes, in Russian
    Call number V-692

IUDINA, Mariia

  • Richter. The Enigma, directed by Bruno Monsaingeon, [contains material on Iudina] Idéale Audience, 1998, NVC Arts, Warner Music Vision, 1998, 154 minutes
    Call number V-870


  • Videofilm. Oleg Karavaichuk. Arkhivnye materialy sniatye na liubitel´skie kamery v raznoe vremia v Ermitazhe [Videofilm. Oleg Karavaichuk. Archive materials shot on amateur cameras at various times in the Hermitage] no date, 47 minutes, in Russian without subtitles
    Call number DVD-3215
  • Oleg Karavaichuk. "Ruka Gogolia" [Oleg Karavaichuk. "Gogol´'s Hand"] Oleg Karavaichuk's piano improvisations and monologues in honour of the Gogol´ bicentenary, 2009, 52 minutes, Russian text
    Call number DVD-3214


  • Kompozitor Aram Khachaturian [The Composer Aram Khachaturian] 2002, 26 minutes, in Russian
    Call number V-1690

See also under Ballet


  • Muzykal´naia istoriia ot Tikhona Khrennikova [Musical History from Tikhon Khrennikov] 2003, 52 minutes, in Russian
    Call number V-2162
  • Portrety epokhi. Tikhon Khrennikov. Rukovoditel´ muzyki [Portraits of the Age. Tikhon Khrennikov. The Head of Music] 2003, 39 minutes, in Russian
    Call number V-444


  • Vozvrashchenie domoi. Iosif Kobzon. Donetsk Dnepropetrovsk. [Return Home. Iosif Kobzon. Donetsk Dnepropetrovsk.] 2003, 43 minutes, in Russian
    Call number V-1933
  • Lichnaia zhizn´ Iosifa Kobzona [The Personal Life of Iosif Kobzon] 2007, 54 minutes, in Russian
    Call number V-2151


  • Gidon Kremer. Doroga bez kontsa... [Gidon Kremer. Road without End...] 2007, 38 minutes, in Russian
    Call number V-1817
  • Svoboda byt´. Gidon Kremer [The Freedom to Be. Gidon Kremer] 2011, 38 minutes, in Russian
    Call number RD-270


  • Extracts from Pop-mekhanika performances of the 1980s and 1990s, 51 minutes
    Call number DVD-2946
  • Comrades. Programme 3: Rock musicians, BBC, 1 December 1985, 45 minutes
    Call number V-507
  • Goodbye Comrades. Sceptics, BBC, 16 February 1992, 50 minutes [15 minutes on Kurekhin]
    Call number V-540
  • Russian New Music, directed by Mike Dodds, Programme 1: Sergey Kuryokhin and Pop Mechanics, Channel Four, 30 January 1992, 55 minutes
    Call number V-605
  • Russian New Music, directed by Mike Dodds, Programme 8, Balkan Suite, Anatolii Vapirov and Sergei Kurekhin, Channel Four, 19 March 1992, 25 minutes
    Call number V-606
  • Pamiati Sergeia Kurekhina [In Memory of Sergei Kurekhin] Russian television, Channel One, 1996, 10 minutes, in Russian
    Call number V-325
  • Tikhii dom: Sergei Kurekhin, directed by Sergei Sholokhov, Russian television, Channel One, 19 August 1999, 30 minutes, in Russian
    Call number V-942
  • Kurekhin, 2004, 39 minutes, in Russian with optional English, French, German, Italian, Japanese, Spanish and Swedish subtitles
    Call number DVD-2946


  • Maiia Kristalinskaia. 'Opustela bez tebia zemlia...' [Maiia Kristalinskaia. 'The Earth is Empty Without You...'] 2005, 44 minutes, in Russian
    Call number V-1887


  • Vinokur i Leshchenko. Istoriia odnoi druzhby [Vinokur and Leshchenko. The Story of a Friendship] 2006, 66 minutes, in Russian
    Call number V-977
  • Baloven´ sud´by. Fenomen Leshchenko [Darling of Fate. The Leshchenko Phenomenon] directed by Alevtina Kuzovenkova, 2008, 44 minutes, in Russian with Russian subtitles
    Call number V-453
  • Lev Leshchenko. Ni minuty pokoia [Lev Leshchenko. Not a Minute's Rest] 2012, 52 minutes, in Russian
    Call number RD-536


  • Muslim Magomaev. Taina molchaniia [Muslim Magomaev. The Secret of Silence] 2006, 44 minutes, in Russian
    Call number V-123
  • Muslim Magomaev. Serdtse na snegu [Muslim Magomaev. A Heart on the Snow] 2012, 56 minutes, in Russian
    Call number RD-539


  • Zavetnyi kamen´ Borisa Mokrousova [The Cherished Stone of Boris Mokrousov] 2009, 38 minutes, in Russian
    Call number V-1067


  • Soviet Conductor - Russian Aristocrat: Evgenii Mravinskii, executive producers Dennis Marks and Stephen Wright, BBC4, 1 June 2003, 90 minutes
    Call number V-1449


  • Musorgskii, directed by Grigorii Roshal´, 1950, 113 minutes, in Russian
    Call number V-1198
  • Khovanshchina [co-production of ORF, ZDF and RM Arts, in association with the Vienna State Opera] 1989, 173 minutes, in Russian with optional English, German, French and Spanish subtitles
    Call number DVD-1309 Acts 1, 2 and 3, 113 minutes
    Call number DVD-1310 Acts 4 and 5, 60 minutes
  • Boris Godunov [Royal Opera House Covent Garden production by Andrei Tarkovskii filmed at the Mariinskii Theatre in St Petersburg] 1990, 209 minutes, in Russian with optional English, French, German, Italian, Spanish and Chinese subtitles
    Call number DVD-1295 Acts 1 & 2, 104 minutes
    Call number DVD-1296 Acts 3 & 4, 105 minutes


  • Pervyi iz strany sovetov. Lev Oborin [First of the Country of the Soviets. Lev Oborin] 2007, 25 minutes, in Russian
    Call number V-70


  • David Oistrakh. Artist of the People?, directed by Bruno Monsaingeon, Euripide Productions, 1994, NVC Arts, Warner Music Vision, 1998, 77 minutes
    Call number V-866


  • Pust´ vsegda budu ia. Lev Oshanin [May there always be Me. Lev Oshanin] 2007, 44 minutes, in Russian
    Call number V-1204

OTS, Georg

  • Georg Ots. Chelovek bez maski [Georg Ots. The Man without the Mask] 2006, 44 minutes, in Russian
    Call number V-474

PAKHMUTOVA, Aleksandra

  • Nezhnost´. Istoriia pesni [Tenderness. The Story of a Song] 2007, 52 minutes, in Russian
    Call number V-1018

POKRASS, Samuil AND POKRASS, Arkadii AND POKRASS Daniil AND POKRASS, Dmitrii (The Pokrass Brothers)

  • Zhizn´ v ritme marsha. Brat´ia Pokrass [Life at March Rhythm. The Pokrass Brothers] 2008, 36 minutes held, in Russian
    Call number V-444 (lacks start)


  • Velikii konservator. Boris Pokrovskii [The Great Conservative. Boris Pokrovskii] 2012, 36 minutes, in Russian
    Call number RD-535, lacks start


  • Igrok [The Gambler] directed by Iurii Bogatyrenko, 1966, 84 minutes, in Russian with optional German, English and French subtitles
    Call number DVD-3927
  • The Fiery Angel, from the Mari´iinskii Theatre, St Petersburg, BBC2, 14 September 1993, 60 + 75 minutes
    Call number V-610
  • The Prodigal Son. The Life and Work of Sergei Prokofiev, directed by Andrei Nekrasov, 1991, 90 minutes
    Call number V-637
  • Richter. The Enigma, directed by Bruno Monsaingeon, [contains material on Prokof´ev], Idéale Audience, 1998, NVC Arts, Warner Music Vision, 1998, 154 minutes
    Call number V-870
  • Prokofiev at the Barbican [Performance of Prokofiev's 6th Symphony], BBC4, 9 March 2003, 110 minutes
    Call number V-1445


  • Aleko, directed by Sergei Sidelev, 1953, 57 minutes, in Russian
    Call number DVD-2824 [based on Rakhmaninov's opera and Pushkin's poem "Tsygany"]
  • The Secret Island, directed by Barrie Gavin, Music on Two, BBC2, 10 October 1992, 60 minutes
    Call number V-611
  • The Harvest of Sorrow. The Memories of Sergei Rachmaninoff, directed by Tony Palmer, 1998, 101 minutes, in English and Russian with optional English and Italian subtitles
    Call number DVD-3543
  • Vetka sireni [A Lilac Branch] [Rakhmaninov] directed by Pavel Lungin, 2007
    Call number DVD-1888 97 minutes, in Russian
    Call number DVD-5471 93 minutes, in Russian with French subtitles
    Call number DVD-6207 97 minutes, in Russian with English subtitles

RIKHTER, Sviatoslav

  • Richter. The Enigma, directed by Bruno Monsaingeon, Idéale Audience, 1998, NVC Arts, Warner Music Vision, 1998, 154 minutes
    Call number V-870
  • Genii i zlodei ukhodiashchei epokhi. Sviatoslav Rikhter [Geniuses and Villains of a Passing Epoch. Sviatoslav Rikhter] 2005, 28 minutes, in Russian
    Call number V-977


  • Rimskii Korsakov, directed by Grigorii Roshal´ and Gennadii Kazanskii, 1952, 107 minutes, in Russian
    Call number DVD-4380
  • Tsarskaia nevesta [The Tsar's Bride] directed by Vladimir Gorikker, 1964, 95 minutes, in Russian with English subtitles
    Call number DVD-3705
  • Sadko, from the Mariinskii Theatre, St Petersburg, BBC2, 17 February 1996, 179 minutes, in Russian with English subtitles
    Call number V-612


  • V poiskakh utrachennogo. Eddi Rozner [In Search of What is Lost. Eddie Rosner] 1996, 38 minutes, in Russian
    Call number V-2093
  • The Jazzman from the Gulag [Documentary film about Eddie Rosner], directed by Pierre-Henry Salfati, BBC2, Storyville, 4 June 2002, 58 minutes
    Call number V-1442


  • Soldiers of Music: Rostropovich Returns to Russia, Channel Four, 2 November 1991, 90 minutes
    Call number V-609
  • Soviet Echoes. Tales from the Archives. 1. Treasures and Shadows, Channel Four, 19 November 1995, 52 minutes
    Call number V-607
  • Vishnevskaia, Rostropovich - Istoriia liubvi [Vishnevskaia, Rostropovich - a Love Story] A film in the series Zhizn´ zamechatel´nykh liudei [The Life of Remarkable People] 1997, 27 minutes, in Russian
    Call number V-2065
  • Portrety epokhi. Galina Vishnevskaia i Mstislav Rostropovich [Portraits of the Epoch. Galina Vishnevskaia and Mstislav Rostropovich] 2002, 44 minutes, in Russian
    Call number V-78
  • Rostropovich at 75 [Gala concert held at the Barbican Centre in honour of Mstislav Rostropovich] director David Stevens, BBC2, 30 March 2002, 120 minutes
    Call number V-1353
  • Elegiia zhizni. Rostropovich, Vishnevskaia [Elegy of Life. Rostropovich, Vishnevskaia] 2006, 102 minutes, in Russian with English subtitles
    Call number DVD-3069
    Call number DVD-3450
  • Rostropovich. Maestro Slava [Rostropovich. The Maestro Slava] 2007, 54 minutes, in Russian
    Call number V-2152


  • Lidiia Ruslanova, 1992, 127 minutes, in Russian
    Call number V-1799
  • Bol´shie roditeli. Lidiia Ruslanova [Big Parents. Lidiia Ruslanova] 2005, 26 minutes, in Russian
    Call number V-2042
  • "Zlatye gory" Lidii Ruslanovoi [The "Golden Hills" of Lidiia Ruslanova] 2007, 52 minutes, in Russian
    Call number V-997


  • Leningradskaia simfoniia [Leningrad Symphony] directed by Zakhar Agranenko, 1957, approximately 90 minutes, in Russian
    Call number V-884
  • Cheremushki [Cherry Town] directed by Gerbert Rappaport, 1962
    Call number V-311 88 minutes, in Russian
    Call number DVD-1339 87 minutes, in Russian with optional English, French, German, Italian, Spanish and Chinese subtitles
  • Katerina Izmailova, directed by Mikhail Shapiro, 1966, 112 minutes, in Russian with optional English, French, German, Italian, Spanish and Chinese subtitles
    Call number DVD-1329
  • Dmitrii Shostakovich. Al´tovaia sonata [Dmitrii Shostakovich. Sonata for Viola] directed by Semen Aranovich and Aleksandr Sokurov, 1981, 75 minutes, in Russian with optional subtitles
    Call number DVD-899
  • Testimony, directed by Tony Palmer, 1987, 150 minutes
    Call number DVD-3544
  • Cheryomushki. Another Bite of the Cherry [documentary about his musical] directed by Richard Trayler-Smith, BBC2, 20 August 1995, 50 minutes
    Call number V-660
  • Soviet Echoes. Tales from the Archives. 2. Rewards and Punishments, Channel Four, 26 November 1995, 52 minutes
    Call number V-607
  • A Matter of Survival [Shostakovich and his Seventh Symphony] directed by Karen Whiteside, Everything to Play For, BBC2, 26 December 1997 30 minutes
    Call number V-801
  • Dmitri Shostakovich Fifth Symphony [Performance of the symphony that re-established Shostakovich as an ideologically sound Soviet composer] directed by Francesca Kemp, BBC2, Masterworks, 16 February 2002, 85 minutes
    Call number V-1355
  • Ledi Makbet mtsenskogo uezda [Lady Macbeth of Mtsensk] 2006, 165 minutes, in Russian with optional English, French, German, Spanish, Italian and Dutch subtitles
    Call number DVD-1299 Acts 1 & 2, and Act 3, scene 1, 108 minutes
    Call number DVD-1300 Act 3, scenes 2 & 3, and Act 4, 57 minutes
  • Moi Shostakovich [My Shostakovich] 2006, 49 minutes, in Russian
    Call number V-402
  • Revolutionär der Filmmusik. Schostakowitsch und das Sowjetische Kino [The Revolutionary of Film Music. Shostakovich and Soviet Cinema] 2006, 22 minutes, in German
    Call number DVD-1497
  • Sotvorenie Shostakovicha [The Creation of Shostakovich] 2006, 52 minutes, in Russian
    Call number V-1106


  • Bol´shaia liubov´ Klavdii Shul´zhenko [Klavdiia Shul´zhenko's Great Love] 2006, 31 minutes, in Russian
    Call number V-481
  • Klavdiia Shul´zhenko. Tri val´sa [Klavdiia Shul´zhenko. Three Waltzes] 2006, 46 minutes, in Russian
    Call number V-872
  • Bol´she, chem liubov´. Tret´ia liubov´. Klavdiia Shul´zhenko [More than Love. The Third Love. Klavdiia Shul´zhenko] 2007, 39 minutes, in Russian
    Call number V-2143


  • Genial´nyi otshel´nik. Vechnaia muzyka Shvartsa [A Hermit of Genius. The Eternal Music of Shvarts] 2008, 44 minutes, in Russian
    Call number V-872
  • Isaak Shvarts. Zvezda plenitel´nogo schast´ia [Isaak Shvarts. The Star of Captivating Happiness] 2010, 51 minutes, in Russian
    Call number RD-184


  • Poet Evgeniia Smol´ianinova [Evgeniia Smol´ianinova Sings] 2006, 39 minutes, in Russian
    Call number V-1690


  • Marshal pesni. Vasilii Solov´ev-Sedoi [The Marshal of Song. Vasilii Solov´ev-Sedoi] 2007, 44 minutes, in Russian
    Call number V-2166


  • Apollon Musagète, directed by Irena Dodolová, 1951, 15 minutes 38 seconds
    Call number DVD-3861
  • Stravinsky. Once, at a Border..., directed by Tony Palmer, 1982, 166 minutes, in English
    Call number DVD-3545
  • Soviet Echoes. Tales from the Archives. 2. Rewards and Punishments, Channel Four, 26 November 1995, 52 minutes
    Call number V-607
  • The Rite of Spring: Igor Stravinsky, directed by Jonathan Haswell, BBC2, Masterworks, 26 January 2002, 75 minutes
    Call number V-1439
  • Coco Chanel & Igor Stravinsky, directed by Jan Kounen, 2009, 114 minutes, in French with optional English subtitles
    Call number DVD-2876


  • Krepostnaia aktrisa [The Serf Actress] [based on Strel´nikov's operetta "Kholopka"]directed by Roman Tikhomirov, 1963, 93 minutes, in Russian
    Call number DVD-207

TANICH, Mikhail

  • Zhizn´ vopreki. Mikhail Tanich [Life Notwithstanding. Mikhail Tanich] 2008, 44 minutes, in Russian
    Call number V-1681




  • Iurii Temirkanov. Partitura zhizni [Iurii Temirkanov. The Score of Life] 2008, 39 minutes, in Russian
    Call number V-214
  • Avtoportret na poliakh partitury. Iurii Temirkanov [A Self-Portrait in the Margins of a Score. Iurii Temirkanov] 2012, 39 minutes, in Russian
    Call number RD-520


  • Theremin. An Electronic Odyssey, 1995, 82 minutes, in English with optional French and Spanish subtitles
    Call number DVD-1580
  • Perezhit´ tirana. Faust XX veka [Outliving the Tyrant. A Twentieth-Century Faust] 2004, 44 minutes, in Russian with Russian subtitles
    Call number V-1177


See under TERMEN

UTESOV, Leonid

  • Moi serebrianyi shar. Leonid Utesov [My Silver Globe. Leonid Utesov] 2004, 44 minutes, in Russian
    Call number V-2146
  • Leonid Utesov. "Est´ u pesni taina..." [Leonid Utesov. "The Song Contains a Mystery..." Leonid Utesov] 2005, 52 minutes, in Russian
    Call number V-885


  • Elena Vaenga - Pesni voennykh let (kontsert) [Elena Vaenga - Songs of the War Years (a concert)] 2009, 96 minutes, in Russian
    Call number DVD-3070 (side B)


  • Maxim Vengerov - Playing By Heart, The National Video Corporation Ltd, 1998, in association with Miris Film, St Petersburg, 1998, directed by Simon Broughton, Channel Four, 29 December 1998, 54 minutes
    Call number V-898


  • Odisseia Aleksandra Vertinskogo [Aleksandr Vertinskii's Odyssey] directed by Oleg Eryshev, 1991, 108 minutes, in Russian
    Call number V-2137
  • Istoricheskie khroniki. 1951. Rodnaia krov´. Aleksandr Vertinskii i drugie [Historical Chronicles. 1951. Aleksandr Vertinskii and Others] 2006, 44 minutes, in Russian
    Call number V-735


  • Vishnevskaia, Rostropovich - Istoriia liubvi [Vishnevskaia, Rostropovich - a Love Story] A film in the series Zhizn´ zamechatel´nykh liudei [The Life of Remarkable People] 1997, 27 minutes, in Russian
    Call number V-2065
  • Portrety epokhi. Galina Vishnevskaia [A Portrait of the Epoch. Galina Vishnevskaia] 2002, 43 minutes, in Russian
    Call number V-752
  • Portrety epokhi. Galina Vishnevskaia i Mstislav Rostropovich [Portraits of the Epoch. Galina Vishnevskaia and Mstislav Rostropovich] 2002, 44 minutes, in Russian
    Call number V-78
  • Elegiia zhizni. Rostropovich, Vishnevskaia [Elegy of Life. Rostropovich, Vishnevskaia] 2006, 102 minutes, in Russian with English subtitles
    Call number DVD-3069
    Call number DVD-3450
  • Lichnaia zhizn´ Galiny Vishnevskoi [The Private Life of Galina Vishnevskaia] 2006, 60 minutes held, in Russian
    Call number V-716
  • Svideteli. Roman so slavoi, Galina Vishnevskaia [Witnesses. Romance with Glory. Galina Vishnevskaia] 2011, 45 + 48 minutes, in Russian
    Call number RD-497

ZATSEPIN, Aleksandr

  • Aleksandr Zatsepin. Est´ tol´ko mig... [Aleksandr Zatsepin. There is Only a Moment...] 2006, 30 minutes, lacks very start, in Russian
    Call number V-460

ZYKINA, Liudmila

  • Liudmila Zykina. Kak ne liubit´ mne etu zemliu... [Liudmila Zykina. How Can I Not Love This Land...] 2008, 57 minutes, in Russian
    Call number V-294

Photography - Individual Photographers

PROKUDIN-GORSKII, Sergei Mikhailovich

  • The Tsar's Last Picture Show [Exploration of photographer Sergei Mikhaylovich Prokudin-Gorsky's life and work] written and presented by Orlando Figes, produced and directed by Alastair Lawrence, BBC4, 28 May 2003, 60 minutes
    Call number V-1450

RODCHENKO, Aleksandr Mikhailovich

  • The Persuaders. Photographic Propaganda in the 1930s [includes Aleksandr Rodchenko at the White Sea Canal] produced and directed by Clare Beavan, Decisive Moments, The Photographs That Made History, Programme 2, BBC2, 11 October 1997, 50 minutes
    Call number V-778

Rock Music

  • Rok [Rock], directed by Aleksei Uchitel´, 1987, 80 minutes, in Russian with optional English subtitles
    Call number DVD-5847
  • From Russia with Rock, directed by Marjaana Mykkänen, 1988, with the groups Alliance, Aquarium, Aviia, Bravo, Brigada S, Cruise, Mister Twister, Nautilus Pompilius, Nuance, Televizor, Uriah Heap, Va Bank; concentrates on the group Nautilus Pompilius, 108 minutes, in English and Russian with English subtitles
    Call number V-614
  • Legendy russkogo roka [Legends of Russian Rock]. A television version of the music festival held at the open area of the Zelenyi teatr stolichnogo Tsentral´nogo Parka Kul´tury i Otdykha imeni Gor´kogo, 2012, Part 1, 75 minutes, and Part 2, 2012, 80 minutes, in Russian
    Call numbers RD-509 and RD-510
  • Stars, Tsars and Swastikas [Fascism in Russia and the Fascist Rock Band Koroziia metalla] 1994, directed by Laurens C. Postma, Black Bag Special, Channel Four, 21 April 1994, 50 minutes
    Call number V-554
  • Viktor Tsoi. Kinoproby. Posviashchenie [Viktor Tsoi. Kino Tests. A Tribute] 2001, 105 minutes
    Call number DVD-181
  • Zapreshchennyi kontsert. Nemuzykal´naia istoriia [The Forbidden Concert. A Non-Musical Story] 2006, 44 minutes, in Russian
    Call number V-476

Individuals and Groups


  • Piterskii rok. Istochnikovedenie [Petersburg Rock. An Investigation of Sources] directed by Dmitrii Dibrov, 55 minutes, in Russian
    Call number V-1637
  • Akvarium 30 let. Eksklizuvnyi klubnyi kontsert [Aquarium are 30. Exclusive Club Concert] 1989, 95 minutes, in Russian
    Call number V-1903


  • Aleksandr Bashlachev. Smertel´nyi polet [Aleksandr Bashlachev. Fatal Flight] 2005, 44 minutes, in Russian
    Call number V-316
  • Footage on the career and the funeral of Aleksandr Bashlachev, 10 minutes, no dialogue
    (This follows directly after the film Rok by Aleksei Uchitel´. It is not indicated in the disc menu.)
    Call number DVD-5847


  • Bi-2 [Concert and interview] 2000, 73 minutes, in Russian
    Call number V-361
  • Bi-2 Miaiu Kiss Mi Tur 2002. Za stsenoi [Bi-2. Miaouw Kiss Me Tour 2002. Behind the Scenes] 2003, 90 minutes, in Russian
    Call number V-1912


  • Ot i do. 15 let gruppe "DDT" [Through and Through. Fifteen Years of the DDT Group] Concert, 1995, 115 minutes
    Call number V-616
    Call number DVD-250
  • Istoricheskie khroniki 1986 Iurii Shevchuk [Historical Chronicles 1986 Iurii Shevchuk] 2011, 44 minutes, in Russian
    Call number RD-111


  • Piterskii rok. Istochnikovedenie [Petersburg Rock. An Investigation of Sources] directed by Dmitrii Dibrov, 55 minutes, in Russian
    Call number V-1637
  • Akvarium 30 let. Eksklizuvnyi klubnyi kontsert [Aquarium are 30. Exclusive Club Concert] 1989, 95 minutes, in Russian
    Call number V-1903


  • Kino - Kontsert pamiati Aleksandra Bashlacheva [Kino - a Concert in Memory of Aleksandr Bashlachev] 1988, 34 minutes, in Russian
    Call number V-1644
  • Viktor Tsoi i gruppa "Kino". Kontsert v "Olimpiiskom", 5 maia 1990 [Viktor Tsoi and the Kino Group. Concert in the Olimpiiskoe Stadium, 5 May 1990] 1990, 70 minutes, in Russian
    Call number RD-35
  • Chelovek v chernom. Pamiati Viktora Tsoia [The Man in Black, In Memory of Viktor Tsoi] 1991, 58 minutes
    Call number V-1164
  • Viktor Tsoi. Kinoproby. Posviashchenie [Viktor Tsoi. Kino Tests. A Tribute] 2001, 105 minutes
    Call number DVD-181
  • Viktor Tsoi i gruppa kino. Chast´ 1. Konets kanikul + Poslednii kontsert [Viktor Tsoi and the Kino Group Part 1. The End of the Holidays and the Final Concert] 2002, 23 + 43 minutes, in Russian
    Call number DVD-420
  • Viktor Tsoi i gruppa kino. Chast´ 2. Solnechnye dni [Viktor Tsoi and the Kino Group. Part 2. Sunny Days] 1996, 66 minutes, in Russian
    Call number DVD-421
  • Viktor Tsoi. Zhizn´ kak kino [Viktor Tsoi. A Life Like a Film] 2005, 40 minutes, in Russian
    Call number V-1286
  • Viktor Tsoi. Gruppa krovi [Viktor Tsoi. Blood Group] 2010, 60 minutes, in Russian
    Call number RD-35
  • Viktor Tsoi. Legenda o poslednem geroe [Viktor Tsoi. The Legend of the Last Hero] 2010, 44 minutes, in Russian
    Call number RD-256
  • Tsoi-Kino, 2012, 48 minutes, in Russian
    Call number RD-427
  • Leto [Summer] directed by Kirill Serebrennikov, 2018
    Call number DVD-5480 in Russian
    Call number DVD-5911 in Russian with English subtitles
  • Tsoi, directed by Aleksei Uchitel´, 2020, 97 minutes, in Russian with some Latvian with Russian voiceover
    Call number DVD-6138


See entry under Kurekhin in the Music section above


  • Petr Mamonov. Chernym po belomu [Petr Mamonov. Black on White] 2011, 55 minutes, in Russian
    Call number RD-138


  • Andreiu Makarevichu - 50. Zdes´ i seichas [Andrei Makarevich is 50. Here and Now] 2003, 40 minutes, in Russian
    Call number V-1901


  • Kumiry. Viacheslav Butusov [Idols. Viacheslav Butusov] 2004, 26 minutes, in Russian
    Call number V-1944
  • Vozvrashchenie domoi. Viacheslav Butusov. Krasnoiarsk [Return Home. Viacheslav Butusov. Krasnoiarsk] 2004, 38 minutes, in Russian
    Call number V-2037
  • Viacheslav Butusov. "Kogda umolknut vse pesni..." [Viacheslav Butusov. "When All the Songs go Silent..."] 2011, 57 minutes, in Russian
    Call number RD-283


  • Music from Renata Litvinova's film Posledniaia skazka Rity [Rita's Last Fairy Tale] 2012, 11 tracks, 29 minutes, in Russian
    Call number DVD-3526 (CD)

TAL´KOV, Igor´

  • Igor´ Tal´kov. Ia vernus´... [Igor´ Tal´kov. I Shall Return...] 2006, 45 minutes, in Russian
    Call number V-474
  • Tainy veka. Igor´ Tal´kov. Poverzhennyi v boiu [Secrets of the Age. Igor´ Tal´kov. Brought Down in Battle] 2011, 76 minutes, in Russian
    Call number RD-330


  • A.N.A.T.O.M.I.Ia. T.A.T.U. [Anatomy of T.A.T.U.] directed by Vitalii Manskii, 2003, 60 minutes, in Russian with optional English subtitles
    Call number DVD-3813


  • Leto [Summer] directed by Kirill Serebrennikov, 2018
    Call number DVD-5480 in Russian
    Call number DVD-5911 in Russian with English subtitles

Television - General Materials on Television

  • Efir kak predchuvstvie [The Ether as Premonition] 2006, 44 minutes, in Russian
    Call number RD-365
  • Kukly [Satirical puppet programme on Russian television] reporter - Allan Little, Correspondent, BBC2, 16 May 1998, 10 minutes
    Call number V-845
  • Professia Telezvezda. Za kulisami slavy [Profession TV Star. Behind the Scenes of Glory] 2006, 44 minutes, in Russian
    Call number V-2151
  • Programma "Vremia" protiv "Golosa Ameriki". Liubov´ na fone kholodnoi voiny [The "Vremia" Programme Against "The Voice of America". Love against the Background of the Cold War] 2005, 45 minutes, in Russian
    Call number V-302
  • TV Revolution in Russia, reporter - Benjamin Woolley, The Late Show in Moscow, BBC2, January 1993, 30 minutes
    Call number V-743
  • Vesti. Pervye 20 let [Vesti. The First Twenty Years] 2011, 97 minutes, in Russian
    Call number RD-161
  • Zvezdy efira. 600 sekund [Stars of the Ether. 600 seconds] 2005, 29 minutes, in Russian
    Call number V-2115
  • Zvezdy efira. Kabachok 13 stul´ev [Stars of the Ether. The 13 Stools Bar] 2004, 26 minutes, in Russian
    Call number V-1938
  • Zvezdy efira. Veselye rebiata [Stars of the Ether. The Merry Guys] (2 parts) 2004, 30 + 31 minutes, in Russian
    Call number V-2090

Television - Individuals Connected with Television


  • Zvezdy efira. Iraklii Andronikov [Stars of the Ether. Iraklii Andronikov] 2005, 32 minutes, in Russian
    Call number V-2066
  • Professia Telezvezda. Za kulisami slavy [Profession TV Star. Behind the Scenes of Glory] 2006, 44 minutes, in Russian
    Call number V-2151

See also under Documentary Materials about Russian, Central European and East European Writers


  • Zvezdy efira. Tarapun´ka i Shtepsel´ [Stars of the Ether. Tarapun´ka i Shtepsel´] 2004, 26 minutes, in Russian
    Call number V-2106

DROZDOV, Nikolai

  • Zvezdy efira. Nikolai Drozdov [Stars of the Ether. Nikolai Drozdov] 2005, 30 minutes, in Russian
    Call number V-2125


  • Zvezdy efira. Leonid Filatov [Stars of the Ether. Leonid Filatov] 2005, 30 minutes, in Russian
    Call number V-2053

GERDT, Zinovii

  • Zvezdy efira. Zinovii Gerdt [Stars of the Ether. Zinovii Gerdt] 2005, 28 minutes, in Russian
    Call number V-2038

IVANOV, Aleksandr

  • Zvezdy efira. Aleksandr Ivanov. [Stars of the Ether. Aleksandr Ivanov] 2004, 31 minutes, in Russian
    Call number V-2085

KAPLER, Aleksei

  • Zvezdy efira. "Kinopanorama" Alekseia Kaplera. [Stars of the Ether. Aleksei Kapler's "Kinopanorama"] 2003, 26 minutes, in Russian
    Call number V-1905


  • Igor´ Kirillov. Zhizn´ v priamom efire [Igor´ Kirillov. Life Live on Air] 2012, 54 minutes, in Russian
    Call number RD-540

KISLOVA, Kaleriia

  • Miss TV SSSR [Miss TV USSR] 2010, 44 minutes, in Russian
    Call number RD-86


  • Zvezdy efira. Nina Kondratova [Stars of the Ether. Nina Kondratova] 2004, 26 minutes, in Russian
    Call number V-2107
  • Professia Telezvezda. Za kulisami slavy [Profession TV Star. Behind the Scenes of Glory] 2006, 44 minutes, in Russian
    Call number V-2151


  • Zvezdy efira. Iurii Levitan [Stars of the Ether. Iurii Levitan] 2003, 26 minutes, in Russian
    Call number V-1924


  • Vlad List´ev. Vspomnit´ vse [Vlad List´ev. To Remember Everything] 2005, 52 minutes, in Russian
    Call number V-2043
  • Vladislav List´ev. My pomnim [Vladislav List´ev. We Remember] 2010, 64 minutes, in Russian
    Call number V-205

NEVZOROV, Aleksandr

  • Zvezdy efira. 600 sekund [Stars of the Ether. 600 seconds] 2005, 29 minutes, in Russian
    Call number V-2115

OZEROV, Nikolai

  • Zvezdy efira. Nikolai Ozerov [Stars of the Ether. Nikolai Ozerov] 2004, 26 minutes, in Russian
    Call number V-1944

RAIKIN, Arkadii

  • Zvezdy efira. Arkadii Raikin [Stars of the Ether. Arkadii Raikin] 2005, 30 minutes, in Russian
    Call number V-478
  • Arkadii Raikin. Korol´ i shut [Arkadii Raikin. King and Fool] 2006, 65 minutes, in Russian
    Call number V-800


  • Zvezdy efira. El´dar Riazanov [Stars of the Ether. El´dar Riazanov] 2004, 26 minutes, in Russian
    Call number V-2104


  • Zvezdy efira. Iurii Senkevich [Stars of the Ether. Iurii Senkevich] 2004, 54 minutes, in Russian
    Call number V-2100


  • Zvezdy efira. Anna Shilova - Koreleva "Ogon´ka" [Stars of the Ether. Anna Shilova - The Queen of "Ogonek"] 2004, 26 minutes, in Russian
    Call number V-1731
  • Professia Telezvezda. Za kulisami slavy [Profession TV Star. Behind the Scenes of Glory] 2006, 44 minutes, in Russian
    Call number V-2151


  • Zvezdy efira. Vladimir Shneiderov [Stars of the Ether. Vladimir Shneiderov] 2004, 27 minutes, in Russian
    Call number V-2087


  • Zvezdy efira. Sergei Suponev [Stars of the Ether. Sergei Suponev] 2005, 33 minutes, in Russian
    Call number V-2113

TANKOV, Vladimir

  • Zvezdy efira. Mavrikievna i Nikitichna [Stars of the Ether. Veronika Mavrikievna and Avdot´ia Nikitichna] 2004, 26 minutes, in Russian
    Call number V-2101


  • Zvezdy efira. Tarapun´ka i Shtepsel´ [Stars of the Ether. Tarapun´ka i Shtepsel´] 2004, 26 minutes, in Russian
    Call number V-2106


  • Zvezdy efira. Mavrikievna i Nikitichna [Stars of the Ether. Veronika Mavrikievna and Avdot´ia Nikitichna] 2004, 26 minutes, in Russian
    Call number V-2101


  • Zvezdy efira. Vladimir Voroshilov [Stars of the Ether. Vladimir Voroshilov] 2004, 52 minutes, in Russian
    Call number V-1898
  • Professia Telezvezda. Za kulisami slavy [Profession TV Star. Behind the Scenes of Glory] 2006, 44 minutes, in Russian
    Call number V-2151

VOVK, Angelina

  • Angelina Vovk. Zhenshchina, kotoraia vedet [Angelina Vovk. The Woman Who Presents] 2012, 55 minutes, in Russian
    Call number RD-561

ZHIL´TSOVA, Svetlana

  • Zvezdy efira. Svetlana Zhil´tsova [Stars of the Ether. Svetlana Zhil´tsova] 2004, 26 minutes, in Russian
    Call number V-2102

ZORIN, Valentin

  • Svideteli. Valentin Zorin. Oni byli pervymi. [Witnesses. Valentin Zorin. They Were First] Film 1, 2011, 48 minutes, in Russian
    Call number RD-495
  • Svideteli. Valentin Zorin. Oni byli pervymi. [Witnesses. Valentin Zorin. They Were First] Film 2, 2011, 44 minutes, in Russian
    Call number RD-496

Theatre - General Materials

  • Na podmostkakh voiny [On the Boards of War] Film 1. On the wartime experience of the Vakhtangov and Obraztsov Theatres, 2010, 26 minutes, in Russian
    Call number RD-157
  • Na podmostkakh voiny [On the Boards of War] Film 2. On the wartime experience of the Leningrad Theatre of Musical Comedy and of Sergei Radlov's troupe, 2010, 26 minutes, in Russian
    Call number RD-157
  • Stranitsy sovetskogo iskusstva. Literatura i teatr.
    Programme 1: Literatura i teatr 1917-1921 gg, 65 minutes
    Programme 3: Literatura i teatr. 1934-1941 gg, 80 minutes
    in Russian
    Call number V-621
  • Stranitsy sovetskogo iskusstva. Literatura i teatr.
    Programme 4: Literatura i teatr 1941-1945 gg, 60 minutes
    Programme 5: Literatura i teatr 1946-1953 gg, 80 minutes
    in Russian
    Call number V-622
  • Stranitsy sovetskogo iskusstva. Literatura i teatr.
    Programme 6: Literatura i teatr 1954-1959 gg, 70 minutes
    Programme 7: Literatura i teatr 1960-1965 gg, 60 minutes
    in Russian
    Call number V-623
  • Stranitsy sovetskogo iskusstva. Literatura i teatr
    Programme 9: Literatura i teatr 1971-1976 gg, 60 minutes
    Programme 10: Literatura i teatr 1977-1986 gg, 70 minutes
    in Russian
    Call number V-624

Theatre - Individuals and Individual Theatre Companies


  • Zhivie traditsii. Monolog rezhissera Olega Efremova, 60 minutes, in Russian
    Call number V-618
  • Bol´shie roditeli. Oleg Efremov [Big Parents. Oleg Efremov] 2004, 26 minutes, in Russian
    Call number V-2096
  • Vechnyi Oleg [Eternal Oleg] 2007, 59 minutes, in Russian
    Call number V-70
  • Vspominaia Olega Efremova. Vecher v MKhAT imeni Chehova [Remembering Oleg Efremov. An Evening at the Moscow Arts Theatre] 2007, 53 minutes, in Russian
    Call number V-966
  • Istoricheskie khroniki. 1981. Oleg Efremov [Historical Chronicles. 1981. Oleg Efremov] 2010, 44 minutes, in Russian
    Call number V-94
  • Oleg Efremov. Golos vnutri menia [Oleg Efremov. The Voice Inside Me] 2012, 49 minutes, in Russian
    Call number RD-541

EFROS, Anatolii

  • Dal´she - tishina [The Rest is Silence] 1978, 149 minutes, in Russian
    Call number V-751


  • "... i drugie". Nikolai Foregger. Gremi, most! ["... and others". Nikolai Foregger. Clank, bridge!] 2012, 26 minutes, in Russian
    Call number RD-508

GEL´MAN, Aleksandr

  • Naedine so vsemi. Dramaturg Gel´man. Vchera, segodnia, zavtra [Alone with Everyone. The Dramatist Gel´man. Yesterday, Today and Tomorrow] 2008, 44 minutes, in Russian
    Call number V-1782

GORIN, Grigorii

  • Posledniaia shutka Grigoriia Gorina [Grigorii Gorin's Last Joke] 2010, 59 minutes, in Russian
    Call number V-2146
  • Veselyi-grustnyi chelovek. Grigorii Gorin [A Happy-Sad Man. Grigorii Gorin] 2010, 44 minutes, in Russian
    Call number V-2145


  • Kak ia s´´el sobaku [How I Ate a Dog] 2003, 128 minutes, in Russian without subtitles
    Call number DVD-1746
  • Planeta [The Planet] 2005, 117 minutes, in Russian without subtitles
    Call number DVD-1747
  • Drednouty [Dreadnoughts] 2006, 113 minutes, in Russian without subtitles
    Call number DVD-1748
  • Evgenii Grishkovets. Moia rodoslovnaia [Evgenii Grishkovets. My Genealogy] 2010, 44 minutes, in Russian
    Call number V-2007
  • Grishkovets: chelovek-teatr. Vecher v Dome aktera [Grishkovets: the Human Theatre. An Evening in the House of the Actor] 2012, 52 minutes, in Russian
    Call number RD-638
  • Belaia studiia. Evgenii Grishkovets [The White Studio. Evgenii Grishkovets] 2013, 39 minutes, in Russian
    Call number RD-637
  • Shepotserdtsa [The Whisper of the Heart] video version directed by Pavel Sudakov, 2017, 128 minutes, in Russian
    Call number DVD-6027


  • Starosvetskie pomeshchiki [Old World Landowners] 2006, 76 minutes in Russian
    Call number V-1690, the MKhAT production directed by Mindaugas Karbauskas
  • Pokhozhdenie, sostavlennoe po poeme N.V. Gogolia "Mertvye dushi" [An Adventure Based on Nikolai Gogol´s novel Dead Souls] 2007, 128 minutes, in Russian
    Call number V-450

KHAZANOV, Gennadii

  • Gennadii Khazanov. Misticheskii avtoportret [Gennadii Khazanov. A Mystic Self-Portrait] 2010, 52 minutes, in Russian
    Call number RD-79


  • Ia - aktrisa [I am an Actress] directed by Viktor Sokolov, 1980, 93 minutes, in Russian
    Call number V-1244


  • Istoricheskie khroniki. 1984. Iurii Liubimov [Historical Chronicles. 1984. Iurii Liubimov] 2010, 44 minutes, in Russian (The subject of this episode is Iurii Liubimov and the Taganka theatre)
    Call number RD-106
  • S Liubimovym ne rasstavaites´... [Do Not Part with Liubimov...] 2012, 55 minutes, in Russian
    Call number RD-541

MKhAT [Moskovskii Khudozhestvennyi Akademicheskii Teatr]

  • Istoricheskie khroniki. 1981. Oleg Efremov [Historical Chronicles. 1981. Oleg Efremov] 2010, 44 minutes, in Russian
    Call number V-94


  • Kote Mardzhanishvili. Prostranstvo tragedii [Kote Mardzhanishvili. The Space of Tragedy] 2012, 39 minutes, in Russian
    Call number RD-556


  • Bol´she, chem liubov´. Tsvetenie roz i granatovogo dereva [More than Love. The Flowering of Roses and the Pomegranate Tree] 2007, 39 minutes, in Russian
    Call number V-1175


  • Bol´shoi kontsert narodov, ili dykhanie chein-stoksa [People's Gala Concert] [Grand Concert of the Peoples, or Cheyne-Stokes' Breathing] directed by Semen Aranovich, 1991, 144 minutes, in Russian with English subtitles
    Call number DVD-5992
  • V poiskakh utrachennogo. Solomon Mikhoels [In Search of What is Lost. Solomon Mikhoels] 1998, 40 minutes, in Russian
    Call number V-2103
  • Istoricheskie khroniki. 1947. Solomon Mikhoels [Historical Chronicles. 1947. Solomon Mikhoels] 2006, 44 minutes, in Russian
    Call number V-230
  • Ostrova. Solomon Mikhoels [Islands. Solomon Mikhoels] 2010, 39 minutes, in Russian
    Call number V-1830


  • Legendy mirovogo kino. Nikolai Okhlopkov [Legends of World Cinema. Nikolai Okhlopkov] 2008, 26 minutes, in Russian
    Call number V-1169
  • 'Est´ sredi vas vysokii paren´?...' Nikolai Okhlopkov ['Is There a Tall Lad Among You?...' Nikolai Okhlopkov] 2010, 38 minutes, in Russian
    Call number V-428

RAIKH, Zinaida

  • Moi serebriannyi shar. Zinaida Raikh [My Silver Globe. Zinaida Raikh] 2005, 44 minutes, in Russian
    Call number RD-367

RAIKIN, Arkadii

  • Zvezdy efira. Arkadii Raikin [Stars of the Ether. Arkadii Raikin] 2005, 30 minutes, in Russian
    Call number V-478
  • Arkadii Raikin. Korol´ i shut [Arkadii Raikin. King and Fool] 2006, 65 minutes, in Russian
    Call number V-800

ROZOV, Viktor

  • Viktor Rozov. Ia - schastlivyi chelovek [Viktor Rozov. I am a Happy Man] 2008, 39 minutes, in Russian
    Call number V-704


  • Tysiacha shagov Marka Rozovskogo [The Thousand Steps of Mark Rozovskii] 2012, 39 minutes, in Russian
    Call number RD-560


  • "On sozdal pravdu na russkoi stsene". M.S. Shchepkin. 200 let so dnia rozhdeniia, 1988, 60 minutes, in Russian
    Call number V-618


  • Velikie imena Rossii. Stanislavskii , 1981, 30 minutes, in Russian
    Call number V-619


  • Angelina Stepanova. "Segodnia moi den´..." [Angelina Stepanova. "Today is My Day..."] 2005, 39 minutes, in Russian
    Call number V-479


  • Teatr Da-Net [St Petersburg] BBC2, 14 September 1993, 15 minutes
    Call number V-610


  • Teatr na Taganke. Sud´ba i vremia, 1989, 50 minutes, in Russian
    Call number V-620
  • Taganka, 2004, 62 minutes, in Russian
    Call number V-814
    Call number V-2060
  • Taganka. Lichnoe delo odnogo teatra [Taganka. The Personal File of a Certain Theatre] 2007, 116 minutes, in Russian without subtitles
    Call number DVD-1768
  • Zolotoi vek Taganki. Dom na Naberezhnoi [The Golden Age of the Taganka. The House on the Embankment] 2012, 36 minutes held; lacks start, in Russian
    Call number RD-473
  • Zolotoi vek Taganki. Gamlet [The Golden Age of the Taganka. Hamlet] 2012, 39 minutes, in Russian
    Call number RD-475
  • Zolotoi vek Taganki. Master i Margarita [The Golden Age of the Taganka. The Master and Margarita] 2012, 39 minutes, in Russian
    Call number RD-473
  • Zolotoi vek Taganki. Pavshie i zhivye [The Golden Age of the Taganka. The Fallen and the Living] 2012, 39 minutes, in Russian
    Call number RD-474
  • Zolotoi vek Taganki. Poslushaite! [The Golden Age of the Taganka. Listen!] 2012, 39 minutes, in Russian
    (A film about the production of Vladimir Maiakovskii. "Poslushaite!" Poeticheskoe predstavelenie v 2-kh deistviiakh, directed by Iurii Liubimov, premiere 16 May 1967)
    Call number RD-472
  • Zolotoi vek Taganki. Pugachev [The Golden Age of the Taganka. Pugachev] 2012, 39 minutes, in Russian
    Call number RD-475
  • Zolotoi vek Taganki. Zhizn´ Galileia [The Golden Age of the Taganka. The Life of Galileo] 2012, 39 minutes, in Russian
    Call number RD-474


  • Liniia zhizni. Roman Viktiuk [Life Line. Roman Viktiuk] 2010, 52 minutes, in Russian
    Call number RD-31
  • Na noch´ gliadia. Roman Viktiuk [Towards Night. Roman Viktiuk] 2011, 46 minutes, in Russian
    Call number RD-96
  • Belaia studiia. Roman Viktiuk [The White Studio. Roman Viktiuk] 2013, 38 minutes, in Russian
    Call number RD-638

VINOKUR, Vladimir

  • Vinokur i Leshchenko. Istoriia odnoi druzhby [Vinokur and Leshchenko. The Story of a Friendship] 2006, 66 minutes, in Russian
    Call number V-977


  • Moi serebrianyi shar. Galina Volchek [My Silver Globe. Galina Volchek] 2008, 46 minutes, in Russian
    Call number V-35
  • Sovremennitsa [Contemporary] 2008, 55 minutes, in Russian
    Call number V-247
  • Na noch´ gliadia. Galina Volchek [Towards Night. Galina Volchek] 2012, 47 minutes, in Russian
    Call number RD-451
  • Galina Volchek. Novyi obraz k iubileiu [Galina Volchek. A New Image for the Jubilee] 2013, 56 minutes, in Russian
    Call number RD-629

VUL´F, Vitalii

  • Liniia zhizni. Vitalii Vul´f [Life Line. Vitalii Vul´f] 2010, 52 minutes, in Russian
    Call number V-1880


  • Belaia studiia. Mark Zakharov [The White Studio. Mark Zakharov] 2012, 39 minutes, in Russian
    Call number RD-542
  • Mark Zakharov. Liubit´ drakona [Mark Zakharov. To Love the Dragon] 2013, 58 minutes, in Russian
    Call number RD-646

ZUSKIN, Veniamin

  • Bol´shoi kontsert narodov, ili dykhanie chein-stoksa [People's Gala Concert] [Grand Concert of the Peoples, or Cheyne-Stokes' Breathing] directed by Semen Aranovich, 1991, 144 minutes, in Russian with English subtitles
    Call number DVD-5992


Art and Architecture - Individual Painters, Architects and Museum Directors


  • 7 Easy Pieces by Marina Abramović, 2007, 93 minutes, in English
    Call number DVD-3546
  • Marina Abramović. The Artist is Present, 2012, 104 minutes, in English
    Call number DVD-3547
  • Marina Abramović. Umetnik je Prisutan [Marina Abramović. The Artist is Present] 2012, 104 minutes, in English with Serbian subtitles
    Call number DVD-3548

SOKIĆ, Ljubica Cuca

  • Ljubica Cuca Sokić. Slike. Galerija ULUS 10-24. oktobar 1990 godine. Oshvaran´e izlozhbe i razgovor s Ljubicom Cucom Sokić [Ljubica Sokić. Paintings. ULUS Gallery 10-24 October 1990. Opening of the exhibition and conversation with Ljubica Cuca Sokić] 1990, 56 minutes, in Serbian
    Call number DVD-4889

Classical and Popular Music

  • Ponočni koncert u Guči 2006. Trubački orkestri [Midnight Concert in Guča 2006. Trumpet Orchestra] 2006, 184 minutes, in Serbian without subtitles
    Call number DVD-1714


Art and Architecture - Individual Painters, Architects and Museum Directors

JONÁŠ, Martin

  • Martin Jonáš, 1973, 16 minutes 51 seconds, in Slovak with optional English, German, French, Russian, Polish and Slovak subtitles
    Call number DVD-4767


  • Národný umelec prof. Karol Plicka [National Artist Professor Karol Plicka] 1970, 25 minutes 45 seconds, in Slovak with optional English, German, French, Russian, Polish and Slovak subtitles
    Call number DVD-4767


  • Absolut Warhola, directed by Stanisław Mucha, 2001, 77 minutes, in Slovak and Ruthenian with English subtitles
    Call number DVD-3100


Art and Architecture - Individual Painters and Architects


  • The Russian Woodpecker, directed by Chad Gracia, 2015, 81 minutes, in Russian and English with optional English, German and Spanish subtitles
    Call number DVD-5034

Ballet - Individual Dancers, Choreographers and Impressarios


  • Dancer, directed by Steven Cantor, 2016, 81 minutes, in English with some Ukrainian and Russian with English subtitles and with optional English subtitles for the deaf and hard of hearing and optional audio description
    Call number DVD-5024