Research IT & Data Management drop-in
27 March 2018, 10:00 am–12:00 pm
Event Information
Open to
- All
Common Ground, Institute of Advanced Studies (South Wing, UCL Main Building)
This session is open to all research staff and research students.
The drop-in will be attended by someone from the Research Data Management team as well as representatives from all of the Research IT service areas.
If you have any questions or problems related to the following areas, you should find someone there who can help:
- research programming
- workflow automation
- finding tools and services for your research programmes
- high performance computing
- handling large datasets
- handling sensitive data
- data storage
- Research Data Management (including Data Management Plans).
There's no need to book, but we can make sure there'll be someone there to help with your problem if you email ideally two days before the session. See more information and future dates.