Bibliometrics: interpreting citation data
18 June 2018, 10:00 am–1:00 pm
Event Information
Open to
- All
Location: Chadwick Building (South East entrance) 2.23 - Public Cluster
The quantitative evaluation of publication and citation data (known as bibliometrics) is based on counts of papers or citations, and can be used to quantify the impact of individual articles, groups of articles (eg. the work of a particular author or institution) or particular publications (eg. journals). Commonly used bibliometric indicators include the journal impact factors, average times cited and h-index.
This session explores tools available to identify bibliometric data and measures, including Web of Science, Journal Citation Reports, Scopus and Google Scholar Metrics. We also look at author unique identifiers, and services which enable you to create and maintain an authoritative list of your publications. Finally, we will look at altmetrics (alternative metrics), new indicators which can be used to give a sense of the reach and impact of research outside of academia.
This session is designed for anyone involved in research or interested in research outputs, regardless of the stage of their career.
This session is part of the Research Staff Development Programme. UCL staff should book a place via the programme website. For further information about the session please contact