Information about how Library, Culture, Collections and Open Science (LCCOS) supports sustainability.
The LCCOS Sustainability Committee co-ordinates the department’s sustainability initiatives. We are committed to:
- promoting the most efficient use of energy in all areas of our operations
- reducing the waste of energy wherever possible
- reducing the amount of materials we use in doing our work
- reusing those materials that have outlived their original purpose wherever we can
- recycling as much of the used materials that cannot be reused as we can
- working with UCL the Estates and Facilities Division, and all other departments throughout UCL to ensure that we conduct our business in the most environmentally sustainable way that we can.
Powered by Plants - Library Services trial for one-year
UCL Library Services have now signed up to one year trial of Powered By Plants – catering will be 100% vegetarian or vegan by default.
UCL Green Impact 2024 award winners in UCL LCCOS
Library, Culture, Collections and Open Science (LCCOS) takes part in the annual UCL Green Impact (an environmental accreditation and awards scheme run by the National Union of Students) and has achieved an incredible level of success this year, with 12 Gold Awards (up by 2 from last year), 3 Silver and 3 Bronze for 2024.
- Gold
- Bartlett Library
- Cruciform Hub
- Great Ormond Street Institute of Child Health Library
- Institute of Archaeology Library
- Joint Library of Ophthalmology, Moorfields Eye Hospital & UCL Institute of Ophthalmology
- Language and Speech Science Library
- Main Library
- Royal Free Hospital Medical Library
- School of Pharmacy Library
- Student Centre Library Team
- UCL East
- Central LCCOS Services (overarching departmental submission)
- Silver
- Bloomsbury Theatre
- IOE Library
- Institute of Orthopaedics Library
- Bronze
- School of Slavonic and East European Studies Libraries
- Science Library
- Wickford Store
Congratulations to all the staff who were involved in improving our sustainability this year, and particularly to colleagues across sites who contributed to the department’s successful entries to the Green Impact scheme this year.
Contacting the LCCOS Services Sustainability Committee
Please contact the Chair of the Library, Culture, Collections and Open Science (LCCOS) Sustainability Committee if you have any questions or ideas for environmental sustainability in LCCOS, or would like to be involved in the Green Impact Scheme. We can make a difference if we all work together to create a greener UCL!
Please visit Green UCL's webpages for news about green initiatives across UCL and follow them on Twitter @GreenUCL.
UCL Climate Hub
Discover perspective-shifting approaches to the climate emergency on UCL's Climate Hub.