Dr Paul Ayris, Director of Library Services
It is an exciting time to be Director of Library Services at UCL. This Report is the Library's first electronic Annual Report and I am pleased to underline the many significant developments and projects, which UCL Library Services has undertaken. The launch of our new 5-year strategy for 2005-10 has given us a firm foundation on which to base the many achievements which are described in this Report, and I am glad to be able to share these with you here.
Paul Ayris,
Director of UCL Library Services
2005 saw the Library Committee endorse the Director's UCL Library Services Strategy 2005-10 and a group of senior colleagues was convened by the Deputy Director to work on the operational plan to progress the strategy.
Our regular survey of users conducted early in 2005 supported students' vocal requests for extended opening hours. A smaller survey amongst Law students showed enthusiastic use of the Library and considerable use of online services for Law.
Fundraising continued apace for the new building which will house UCL's museums and collections and Library Special Collections. It is now known as the UCL Institute for Cultural Heritage. Our fundraising now concentrates on this and the general refurbishment of our buildings.
This year was marked by all library staff going through a detailed job evaluation exercise. More than 50% of staff were effectively upgraded onto the new scales.
Ruth Dar retired after 36 years' service and John Spiers after more than 31 years.
The summer of 2005 proved a difficult time for all Londoners and following the terrorist bombs UCL Library Services reviewed and revised its procedures to deal with emergencies. Our staff coped admirably during this stressful time and kept all our services going. Our existing disaster plan came into action when toilets leaked through a ceiling onto our residual card catalogue. This was a spur to retroconversion which we had not anticipated.