
Library Services


UCL Library Services Annual Report 2008/09



UCL Science Library

Work in the Science Library featured further improvements to the ground floor area, with enhancements to the Learning Laboratory and new enquiry desks. New signage was also installed, to facilitate wayfinding throughout the building.

The Science Library ground floor saw another phase of development in 2009, when the Learning Laboratory was extended with four group study bookable "pods". Each is named after an exceptional UCL individual - Sir Francis Galton, Sir William Ramsay, Sir Robert Carswell, Sir Ambrose Fleming - and readily identifiable with images from UCL Special Collections. There are two rooms for 3-6 people and two for 4-8 people.

New service points were also built for the UCL Information Systems Division HelpDesk (which moved to the Science Library in early 2009) and the Library Enquiry Desk. 

Science Library stud pod

The Galton group study pod

ISD Service Desk, Science Library

New UCL ISD Help Desk

UCL Main Library

Work carried out in the Main Library focused on refurbishment and redecoration of reading rooms leading of the North Corridor. In addition, funding was awarded to the Library for major refurbishment work to the North Junction, due to start next year.  

The furniture in the Main Library reading rooms for French, Italian, Spanish, Classics and Ancient History was refurbished. The rooms were also redecorated in summer 2009.

Main Library desks before and after refurbishment

Above: Photo shows desks from the Main Library before and after refurbishment

Thanks to funding granted in late 2008 by the Wolfson-RLUK scheme, UCL Library Services is pleased to announce that the English and German reading room is due to be extensively refurbished in summer 2010.

The existing mezzanine will be extended with a glass balcony, and the project will almost double the number of reader seats in the space. 

Artist's impression of the refurbished reading room in the North Junction

Joint Moorfields Eye Hospital & UCL Institute of Ophthalmology Library

Ophthalmology Library issue desk

In return for the loss of existing office space, the Joint Library of Ophthalmology has been refurbished: for the first time the library has a properly designed issue desk, a single staff office looking out onto the library area, new ceiling, carpets, freshly painted walls and brighter lighting, making all parts of the library pleasant to work and study in. Gone is the hatch in the wall that was the original issue point as have the leaking pavement lights that let water in every time it rained. The extra work involved in planning, sorting and removal in readiness for the refurbishment was well worth it - Library staff are delighted with the outcome, as are the readers. Our thanks go to the Moorfields Special Trustees, the UCL Institute of Ophthalmology, Moorfields Eye Hospital and UCL Library Services for providing the funding to make all this possible.

UCL Institute of Child Health Library

Institute of Child Health Library reading room

Preparations began in summer 2009 for work that will include the refurbishment of the reading room, as part of estate work in the building. Desks in the reading room will all have power for laptops, as well as individual lights on each carrel.

Royal Free Hospital Medical Library, UCL Library Services

Refurbishment efforts in the latter part of 2008 produced a further noticeable effect on the appearance of the library. At the end of this second phase of refurbishment it was possible to open up small group study areas to complement a quiet study area and a quiet electronic study area as well as a seminar room. These refurbishments and associated security enhancements were made possible as a result of funding contributions from a number of sources, including the London Deanery, the UCL Medical School Royal Free Campus and UCL Library Services.