2 August 2006: Open Access: its Potential for the Future. An invitation talk given to staff at Sage Publications, London, UK.
5 September 2006: Change Management at The Library Service of the Future for Central Banks and Regulatory Agencies at King's College, Cambridge
7 September 2006: Possibilities for central bank library collaboration at The Library Service of the Future for Central Banks and Regulatory Agencies at King's College, Cambridge
20 October 2006: Pulling Together the Threads: Next Steps for Repositories at Open Scholarship: New Challenges for Open Access Repositories at the University of Glasgow
3 November 2006: The UNICA Scholarly Communications Group at the Annual General Assembly, Riga, Latvia
9 November 2006: E-Books in the context of E-Learning Strategy at E-book nelle biblioteche accademiche. Ancora un cambiamento da governare, Bologna, Italy
12 January 2007: The DART-Europe Project: towards developing a European Theses Portal, at the Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya
15 February 2007: The Future of Scholarly Publishing at the
EU Conference Scientific Publishing in the European Research Area:
Access, Dissemination and Preservation in the Digital Age, Brussels
15-16 February 2007
19 February 2007: Strategic Directions and Operational Challenges in Supporting Research
at Supporting Researchers: Strategy, Policy and Practice for Library
and Information Services, UC+R (London) Conference, Birkbeck College
23 March 2007: UCL Library Services and Quality Measures at
Measuring Quality in Libraries. A Seminar organised by the LIBER
Division of Library Management and Administration at the Bibliothèque
Nationale, Paris
27 March 2007: Research Library Perspectives at the
E-Journal Archiving and Preservation Workshop under the auspices of the
JISC, the British Library and the Digital Preservation Coalition
20 April 2007: Pulling Together the Threads at OAI5 at the 5th Cern Workshop on Innovations in Scholarly Communication (OAI5), Geneva
5-6 June 2007: Institutional Issues: a London Casebook at Digital Repositories: Dealing with the Digital Deluge, the JISC Digital Repositories Conference, Manchester
5-6 June 2007: The DART-Europe project: towards developing a European theses portal, at Digital Repositories: Dealing with the Digital Deluge, the JISC Repositories Conference, Manchester
15 June 2007: What does a 21st-century library service look and feel like? at the 1st UCL Library Services Staff Conference, UCL
29 June 2007: The Work of UNICA in the Context of New Modes of Publication and Dissemination at the SLAIS E-Publishing Summer School, UCL
20th March 2007: Developing and digital course reading service across UCL's sites at the Scanning Practice Event, University of Warwick Library Research Innovation Unit.
23 August 2006: Implementing cross search tools: challenges and opportunities at Meeting the challenge of the Google Generation - technology or training?, ALISS conference, London
4-7 September 2006: MARCIt! and other Aleph/SFX integrations (conference poster) at First IGeLU conference, Stockholm
27 February 2007: New forms of discovery: the academic perspective at Association of Subscription Agents and Intermediaries Conference, Royal College of Nursing, London
6 March 2007: MetaLib statistics at SFX and MetaLib User Group (UK & Ireland), British Library, London
21 May 2007: UCL's preparations for Shibboleth at CPD25
seminar, Access to Electronic Resources - are you ready for Shibboleth?,
School of Oriental and African Studies, London
28 March 2007: The evolution of a repository: policy decisions at UCL at SHERPA-LEAP Workshop on Institutional Repositories, London
18-20 April 2007: Polydoratou, P. and Moyle, M. Exploring overlay journals: the RIOJA project at CERN Workshop on Innovations in Scholarly Communication (OAI5), Geneva, Switzerland
5-6 June 2007: Moyle, M. and Polydoratou, P. Exploring overlay journals: the RIOJA project at Digital Repositories: Dealing with the Data Deluge, Manchester, UK.
13-16 June 2007: The DART-Europe E-theses Portal at ETD 2007: Added Values to E-theses. European E-theses Working Group Workshop, Uppsala, Sweden
A classic renewal: UCL's building programme. CILIP Update, 31 - 34, 2006 5 (7/8)
Libraries and librarians in the electronic age. with F. Webster, in The Cambridge history of libraries in Britain and Ireland, vol 3:639 - 653. Cambridge University Press, 2006