From more or less the first day of the 2006-7 session, the Main Library's Information Point on the ground floor of the Wilkins Building was staffed by a team of library staff newly led by Dayaram Nakrani, our full-time Information Point Officer, jointly funded by UCL Estates & Facilities. As the first point of entry to the main Wilkins building Dayaram and his colleagues aim to provide a welcoming and friendly enquiry service, covering not just UCL Library Services but also help and guidance on UCL campus events, contacts and locations.
June 2007 saw the first ever one-day conference of all UCL Library Services Staff.
With a keynote speech from the Provost surprised to see so many Library
staff in one lecture theatre, 170 people (more than three quarters of
the staff) gathered for a day of training sessions, participative and
informative workshops, and team-building activities. The day gave an
opportunity for staff from all the libraries within UCL to meet each
other, often for the first time, and exchange views and ideas. The Staff
Conference proved so popular that it is to become a regular feature of
the Library Services year.
Fred Bearman, a distinguished conservator, was recruited as Preservation Librarian in January 2007. This is the first time we have ever had a conservator on the staff. His influence has already been seen all around the Library, as he advises us on collections care, and particularly on the care of our Special Collections. Fred arrived in time for the final planning of the conservation studio in the Institute for Cultural Heritage, and is already involved in plans for preparing the Special Collections for the move.
The session saw the establishment of a new post of Digital Curation Manager to which Martin Moyle was appointed. Martin brought with him into the IT Services Group the staff working on the externally-funded SHERPA-LEAP and RIOJA projects.
During the year we welcomed several other new colleagues and said goodbye and happy retirement to others, notably John Allen our combined English and Philosophy Subject Librarian and Buildings Officer and Patricia Campbell, for much of her time at UCL Librarian of the Boldero Library at the Middlesex Hospital and Spanish Subject Librarian and latterly Deputy Librarian at the Cruciform Library.
During the year an online fortnightly Staff Newsletter, LibNet News was launched with an enthusiastic editorial group led by the Deputy Director who take turns at the Editorial desk and report Library Services various activities to their colleagues. The mix of serious news and information and articles on different sites and interests is becoming established as a good medium for communication as email boxes overflow.