
Jolly Lab


Work with Us

If you are eligible for fellowship schemes, for example, from the Wellcome Trust or the Medical Research Council, and would like to apply for a fellowship to work as an independent investigator in Infection and Immunity at UCL, send a research proposal and a CV to c.jolly (at) ucl.ac.uk

Postdoctoral Positions

If you are interested in the work of the Jolly lab and wish to enquire about the posibility of a position here email c.jolly (at) ucl.ac.uk.

Any postdoctoral positions will be advertised on this site, the infection and immunity site and the main UCL vacancies site.

We currently have a Postdoc postion in the lab:  The post is funded by a Wellcome Investigator Award that seeks to understand HIV infection of T cells, focusing on what makes a cell permissive to infection and cellular reprogramming during virus-host interactions. Key goals are to define virus-host interactions and mechanisms by which HIV reprograms T cells to support efficient infection, viral spread and persistence. Applicants with expertise in molecular virology, T cell biology or immunology will be particularly welcomed.

For more information about the post and too apply please go to the UCL recruitment page for these post.

PhD Studentships

If you are interested in studying for a PhD in our lab, go to the PhD in the Division of Infection and Immunity page for information including structure, admission and funding.