User story feedback on Research Facilitation. "The information we needed was provided promptly, accurately and completely."
Summary: GOSgene had a tenancy on eMedLab from November 2015. Changes in GOSgene team saw increased use of eMedLab from 2016 to early 2017 and then declined to little activity on the tenancy. With further changes in the team in January 2018, GOSgene decided to start with a new tenancy using the updated OSP10 platform. This was provisioned on 22 February 2018. We then provided induction and initial configuration session for you on 5th March 2018. You have been successfully using the system since then for your research.
July 2018
Q1. What is the title of your research project?
ICH GOSgene/HIGH-5 program: Personalised medicine for rare diseases.
Q2. Briefly, what were the queries or requirements you contacted us research facilitators about?
We were interested in using eMedLab as an environment for high performance computing for genomics data (Whole genome sequences, RNA-SAeq etc).
Q3. How far do you feel the applications / tools / services / advice we provided you with meet with your requirement?
We were very satisfied with the help of the facilitators and do not have suggestions for improvements.
Q4. If you were recommended tools or services (Research Data Services, Data Safe Haven, Information Governance etc.), how effective was our facilitation service in providing you information and getting your accounts?
Up to now, we have been occupied with other projects and environments, so we haven't used eMedlab yet.
Q5. What differences, if any, do the recommended IT tools / services make to your research work compared to before you used such tools / services?
The information we needed was provided promptly, accurately and completely. There was latency in getting our accounts.
Q6. What suggestions do you have for research IT service facilitators to improve on for a very similar request?
See above. Up to now, we have been occupied with other projects and environments, so we haven't used eMedlab yet. The help of the facilitators however was instrumental in setting up our eMedLab tenancy.