
Information Services Division


Project Start-Up & Initiation

The first stage in the PDF process for PDF Express. Here the nature and scope of the project are determined, along with its requirements, products, timetable and costs.

For PDF Express you will move from Gate 1 to Gate 3. The main output of this stage is 

If the project is purchasing goods or service a Procurement Assessment may be needed

A project Board may need to be arranged and members invited

Through Project Support Services you may need a project SharePoint site and project e-mail set up

Mandatory Products

The Express PDF has several Mandatory Products associated to itthat need completing. All products can be found under the ITCPDSharePoint site, which can also be accessed through the PDF Productslink.
  • Project Initiation Documentation
  • Required Products Checklist
  • Risk and Issues Register
  • Monthly Project Progress Reports
  • Financial Plan
  • Project Plan
  • Next Stage Plan
  • Business Requirements
  • Gate 3 (Express) Checklist

Conditional Products

There are several Conditional Products that are attached to this stage,these are divided into Planning and Change Products and TechnicalProject Products. Some of these products will only be needed for certainprojects, especially when using Express PDF. Please check with PMO oryour project Delivery Manager if and when these products apply.

Planning and Change Products

  • Information Risk Assessment
  • Product Breakdown Structure
  • Product Quality Plan
  • AsIs
  • and ToBe
  • Process Model
  • Information Risk Assessment
  • Training Requirements

Technical Projects

  • Technical Assessment
  • Systems Requirements
  • Specification
  • Proof of Concept
  • High Level Design




Express: A lighter PDF usually used for small or simple projects.
More Information
Standard: The full PDF, usually used for large, medium, or complex projects. More Information 

Help & Documentation

PDF Manual
ITCPD Glossary
Lynda.com Project Courses
PDF Products

Current Projects 

HR System Transformation