
Information Services Division


Start up


This Stage will be short – around 1-6 weeks - focused on scoping & feasibility

There will be six documents to complete for most projects: 

1. Project Brief [.docx] and Project Brief with Guidance [.docx]

incorporating: Outline Business Case and Resource Matrix

2. Required Products Checklist [.xlsx]

The Required Products Checklist should be completed after the Project Brief so that the information learned from the Project Brief can determine product selection.

3. Risk and Issue Register

4. Plan for Project Initiation

5. Financial Plan - To request a Financial Plan contact the PMO

6. Information Security Requirements and Expectations

To begin the project you must have obtained a pre-populated Financial Plan from the Portfolio Management Office.

A number of the items included in the Brief are also available as standalone templates for ease of use:

Risk and Issue Register [.xls]

Information Security Requirements and Expectations

The conditional Products in the Start Up Stage

If the project includes delivery of technology

If the project includes deliverables which will become a new service or which will change an existing service

If the project includes purchasing or procurement.


Next step