
Information Services Division


Deliver excellent technology enabled services

Objective 6…

A key enabler for UCL 2034 is ‘Delivering excellent systems and processes in support of UCL’s vision’ and this is underpinned by ISD’s divisional vision and mission.

Our Vision

Every member of UCL will have a digital experience which meets all their needs simply and efficiently, enabling UCL's research, learning and teaching activities to flourish and be world leading in a rapidly evolving digital world. 

We will achieve this vision through:

  • World leading IT services for research and learning & teaching
  • Excellent and efficient common shared services
  • A strong customer and service ethos.

Under the Digital Masterplan, we will deliver a change programme. Through the transformation of internal processes and working practices ISD will become a more efficient and agile organisation. We will establish clear aims and objectives across the whole of our organisation.

The adoption of industry standard processes will support effective problem management, capacity management, monitoring and alert management.

This will be underpinned by a strategic customer service programme that will put the customer at the centre of all we do. Our aim will be to ensure any customer problem or request is owned through to completion and we will proactively seek to meet customer needs from design right through to delivery

There will be five key themes in the change programme:

  • Customer focus: we will view all those who consume our services as customers. We will seek to understand their needs, resolve problems and introduce new services proactively.
  • Service focus: we will focus on the services we deliver to customers rather than just the technology.
  • Highly skilled and motivated staff: well trained and motivated staff will be at the heart of delivering the Digital Masterplan.
  • Excellence in all we do.
  • Simple, standard, repeatable and dependable processes.

Objective 1: Radically improve the student digital experience Objective 4: Easy to use enterprise-wide technologies
Objective 2: Develop UCL's research IT capabilities Objective 5: Transformed IT infrastructure
Objective 3: Digital transformation

Objective 6: Deliver excellent technology enabled services