
UCL Institute of Ophthalmology


Postgraduate taught degrees

Studying at UCL Institute of Ophthalmology and Moorfields gives you the best start, whether you’re considering a career as an ophthalmologist or you’re a scientist planning to work in research, industry or clinical practice. Browse our programmes below to see all the study options available.
Bioscience Entrepreneurship MSc - students studying on a computer together

Bioscience Innovation and Enterprise MSc

For science graduates and medics: learn the language of business and management to enable a career combining bioscience with innovation, enterprise and business.

Bioscience (Research and Development) with Practice MSc | Students in a lab

Bioscience Research & Development MSc and Bioscience R&D with Practice MSc

For science graduates: develop your expertise in research and development in the field of bioscience. Strengthen your skills in an optional second-year placement in a research lab.

Orthoptist explaining the structure of the eye

Ophthalmology MSc

For medics, GPs and optometrists: our flagship ophthalmology programme provides an in-depth engagement with the study of ophthalmology in a contemporary clinical and research-focused context. This is a taught face-to-face programme.

Patient undergoing ophthalmology test

Orthoptics (pre-registration) MSc

For science graduates: this programme looks at paediatric ophthalmology, ocular motility disorders and other eye and vision health issues that are dealt with by orthoptists.

A female ophthalmic nurse examines a patient

Clinical Ophthalmic Practice PG Cert

For nurses: this programme will allow students to develop advanced knowledge of the eye, eye diseases and treatment and the research underpinning clinical practice. 

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Which programme?

If you are not sure which of our programmes to choose, we have arranged them by profession/background to show what options are suitable. If you need further help choosing a course, please do get in touch: ioo.admissions@ucl.ac.uk.

Doctors, Medics, GPs and Ophthalmologists
Optometrists and Orthoptists
Nurses and Allied Health Professionals
Science graduates