UCL IoO Professor elected to the Academia Europaea
23 April 2024
Congratulations to Professor Matteo Carandini for being elected as a member of this prestigious institution.

The Academia Europaea is a functioning European Academy of Humanities, Letters and Sciences, composed of individual members. Membership is by invitation.
Invitations are made only after peer group nomination, scrutiny and confirmation as to the scholarship and eminence of the individual in their chosen field. Election is confirmed by the Council of the Academia. Members are drawn from across the whole European continent, not only western Europe. Members also include European scholars who are resident in other regions of the world. Current membership stands at around 5,500. Amongst them are eighty-three Nobel Laureates, several of whom were elected to the Academia before they received the prize.
Professor Carandini joins other UCL academics from across the Humanities, Letters and Sciences who are members of the Academia.