Professor emeritus Institute of Ophthalmology dies from old age
6 March 2023
We are sad to hear of the passing of Professor Alec Garner.
Alec Garner started his working life as a laboratory technician before studying medicine. After appointments in Manchester, he moved to the Institute of Ophthalmology in London in 1967, where he was subsequently appointed professor of pathology. His principal area of research was in retinal disease, and he was awarded a doctorate for work on hypertensive retinopathy. A respected teacher who travelled the world lecturing, he was sole or joint author of over 200 papers and co-editor of a comprehensive textbook on the pathobiology of eye disease. After retiring in 1994, he enjoyed a happy life. Alec was a member of the Methodist Church and had more than 50 years’ experience as a lay preacher. He leaves his wife, Catherine; their children, Elizabeth, Andrew, Timothy; and their grandchildren, Stephen and Laura.
Professor emeritus Institute of Ophthalmology, University College London (b1932; q Manchester, 1960; MD, PhD, FRCP, FRCPath, FRCOphth), died from old age on 15 February 2023.