Prof Sobha Sivaprasad wins Macular Society award
1 September 2017
Congratulations to Professor Sobha Sivaprasad, who has been named Rising Star of the Year at the 2017 Macular Society Awards for Excellence.

The Macular Society has recognised Professor Sivaprasad for her commitment and dedication in researching potential new treatments into diabetic retinopathy and other retinal diseases. She has also won praise for supporting clinicians and NHS Trusts to help them establish programmes of research to improve the treatment of eye disease.
Professor Sivaprasad has successfully undertaken a wide range of ground-breaking research into diabetic eye conditions. She has received more than £10m in National Institute for Health Research (NIHR) grants, as well as funding from the Macular Society, to support her cutting-edge work. She currently divides her time between clinical practice and research at the Institute of Ophthalmology and Moorfields Eye Hospital.
She was recently awarded £6 million by Research Councils UK for a landmark project which will help in the screening of diabetic retinopathy in poor and underprivileged parts of the world.
Professor Sivaprasad told the Macular Society, “It was a bit of a shock when I heard that I’d won – I’ve been nominated as part of a team before, but never for one of the individual prizes, so I’m absolutely delighted to have been chosen.
“It’s very exciting to be able to research and find potential new treatments which could make a real difference to peoples’ lives. I’d like to thank all of my funders, as they make all my work possible. I could not carry out any of the research I undertake without them and I’m tremendously grateful for their ongoing support.”
The Macular Society is a national charity for anyone affected by central vision loss. Age-related macular degeneration (AMD) is the most common cause of sight loss in the UK, affecting more than 600,000 people. It is estimated that by 2050, around 1.3 million people will have AMD.
The annual Macular Society Awards for Excellence is run by the charity to celebrate the inspirational work done to provide services and care for people with macular disease all over the UK.
Cathy Yelf, chief executive of the Macular Society, said: “The work Professor Sivaprasad undertakes is truly pioneering and it’s only right that her efforts should be rewarded in this way. On behalf of everyone at the Macular Society, I’d like to add our thanks, and congratulate her on this excellent achievement.”
Professor Sivaprasad will receive her award at the Macular Society’s national annual conference, which takes place at the Grange Tower Bridge Hotel in London, on 16 September 2017.
- Prof Sobha Sivaprasad awarded £6m by Global Challenges Research Fund
- Information about the Macular Society’s Awards for Excellence
NB: This article was updated on 19th September 2017 to include a photo of Professor Sivaprasad receiving her award.