Cells for Sight wins Award for Cultivating Excellence
15 November 2017
Huge congratulations to the Cells for Sight Stem Cell Therapy Research Unit, led by Professor Julie T Daniels, which has been awarded the inaugural RegMedNet Award for Cultivating Excellence.
Cells for Sight is a collaboration between Professor Daniels’s research group at the Institute of Ophthalmology and clinicians at Moorfields Eye Hospital. Cells for Sight focuses its research on the biology and therapeutic potential of stem cells, with the aim of developing and delivering cell-based therapies and anti-scarring strategies for patients with blinding eye disorders.
RegMedNet is a networking website for scientists working in the diverse field of regenerative medicine. Aligned with the journal Regenerative Medicine, it aims to facilitate networking and collaboration and to share news and insights within the field.
RegMedNet established the Award for Cultivating Excellence to recognise the field’s “most valuable players” in areas such as career development and scientific outreach. This year the Award is sponsored by Biological Industries (Israel).
Professor Daniels’s research team nominated her for the prize in recognition of her efforts and enthusiasm for career development and continued education in the lab. Commenting on Cell for Sight’s win, Kevin McCormack, Sr. Director Public Communications & Patient Advocate Outreach, California Institute of Regenerative Medicine (CA, USA), said: “What impressed me most about the entry from UCL was the level of enthusiasm in their description of what they did.
“It felt like this was something they did not because they had to but because they really wanted to and because they felt it was an important, even essential, part of their work.”
As part of the Award, the Cells for Sight team will be the subject of a one month-long special feature on RegMedNet, featuring interviews with lab members and selected published research.
Professor Daniels will also be hosting a webinar on 29th November 2017 at 3pm (GMT), entitled “Challenges, perspectives and road to progress for early career researchers in regenerative medicine.”
“The Cells for Sight team are absolutely delighted to have been chosen as the recipients of the inaugural Regen Med Net Cultivating Excellence award,” Professor Daniels says. “We would like to thank Regeneration Med Net and the award sponsor Biological Industries for selecting us.
“I personally am so lucky to have such a wonderful team who took the time to find out about this opportunity and to put the application together, so I would like to thank them too.”