ARVO members-in-training poster prizes
24 May 2016
It is fantastic to see two of our researchers recognised at this year's ARVO meeting Mariya Moosajee and Alice Davidson were both awarded Members-in-Training (MIT) Outstanding Poster Awards by the MIT Committee at the ARVO 2016 Annual Meeting.
MIT First Authors of the top five scored abstracts scheduled as poster presentations from each Scientific Section and Cross-sectional Group were eligible for consideration and invited to participate in the MIT Outstanding Poster Award Competition during the Annual Meeting.
- Mariya Moosajee won for her poster:Comparative analysis of small molecule drugs for nonsense suppression therapy in Choroideremia
- Alice Davidson won for her poster: Autosomal dominant corneal endothelial dystrophies CHED1 and PPCD1 are allelic disorders caused by noncoding mutations in the promoter of OVOL2.