
UCL Institute of Ophthalmology


6/11/2015 : The search for new organizers reveals a novel organizer of the heart

06 November 2015, 10:00 am–11:00 am

Event Information


Seminar room

Dr Claire Anderson from Prof Claudio Stern’s lab, UCL-Dept of Cell and Developmental Biology, will be talking about her studies on;

The search for new organizers reveals a novel organizer of the heart

I am sure you will enjoy her research story!

The purpose of this network is facilitating the exchange of information between post-doctoral fellows from different institutes in UCL, identifying unexpected areas of overlap between apparently unrelated projects and ultimately encouraging collaborations. Your attendance will support our network and UCL-cross communications.

Please make an effort to attend!

Friday 6th November, in the Seminar room at 10:00