Professor Linda Greensmith is the Head of the IoN Research Department for Neuromuscular Diseases and sits on the strategic delivery group as the academic BSU Lead.
Strategic Delivery Group, ION-DRI Programme
Professor Linda Greensmith is the Head of the IoN Research Department of Neuromuscular Diseases and sits on the strategic delivery group as the academic BSU Lead.
The strategic delivery group is made up of representatives from UCL Queen Square Institute of Neurology, the Dementia Research Institute and the National Hospital of Neurology and Neurosurgery, UCLH and they meet monthly to discuss how the new building is being designed to ensure it meets their needs and how it will need to operate once opened.
“I’ve been part of the strategic delivery group since 2017 and have been involved in the idea of creating a translational neuroscience centre since the very beginning – over ten years ago.
“We meet every month to look at the project in detail and make decisions on what will and won’t work, including things like the design of the physical space and the development of all the facilities, services and support across the dual hub - the new building at 256 Grays Inn Road and Queen Square.
“Currently we are looking at space planning within the building to ensure teams can fit into the space and have what they need to operate their labs. We are also reviewing a number of pilots that are underway looking at asset management and booking of equipment, vending, specialist chemical and sample processing.
This is a really useful and practical meeting and the group is really important to help the project stay realistic, on track and to ensure that in constructing the new building we don’t forget its intended purpose. We’re all united in our determination and enthusiasm to realise the vision of a cohesive and collaborative translational neuroscience centre, but at the same time, we’re pragmatic and understand the day to day practicalities of working in a lab.”
The strategic delivery group consists of:
Mike Brown, Director at Biological Services Unit (BSU), Dr Hélène Crutzen, Institute Manager at ION, Professor Karen Duff from UK DRI, Professor John Duncan, Divisional Clinical Director at National Hospital for Neurology and Neurosurgery, Professor Linda Greensmith is Academic BSU Lead and Professor of Neuroscience at ION, Professor Michael Hanna, Institute Director at ION, David Howard, Programme Manager, Dr Adrian Ivinson, Chief Operating Officer at UKDRI, Professor Giampietro Schiavo, Science Lead and Professor of Cellular Neuroscience, Professor Tom Warner, Chair of Clinical Neurology & Director of the Reta Lila Weston Institute and Professor Tarek Yousry Professor of Neuroradiology Brain Repair & Rehabilitation