Event type:

In person

Date & time:

21 Feb 2024, 16:00 – 17:30

Neo-essentialism and epistemic inequality: Critical perspectives in intercultural communication

Join this event to hear Adrian Holliday in conversation with Giuliana Ferri to talk about critical perspectives in intercultural communication.

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Neo-essentialism and epistemic inequality: Critical perspectives in intercultural communication

Professor Adrian Holliday

Professor of Applied Linguistics & Intercultural Education

Canterbury Christ Church University

Throughout his distinguished career, he has been developing his thinking and writing around the relationship between the individual, culture and social structures.

His long-standing relationship with Iran and the Middle East more generally has provided him with an acute awareness of the global politics which surround these relationships, and of the profound lack of Western understanding of non-Western realities despite the massive proliferation of global information and communication.

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International Centre for Intercultural Studies
