Event type:

In person

Date & time:

22 Nov 2023, 17:30 – 19:30

More than a grade: The human side of assessment

Join Mary Richardson for this Professorial Lecture as she presents her theory of 'assessment dysmorphia' and reflects on how individuals can be shaped by assessment outcomes.

Mary Richardson's photo is on the left hand side. On the right is the hashtag, #IOELectures.
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More than a grade: The human side of assessment

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Professor Mary Richardson

Professor of Educational Assessment and Leader of the EdD Professional Doctorate Programme


Her interest in assessment stems from doing poorly at school and then returning to education as a mature student following a decade of working in theatre in education programmes in London.

Her research combines the philosophy and sociology of education to explore themes around ethics, and she is currently researching AI-led testing and test taker experiences.

Professor Nicola Walshe (Chair)

IOE Pro-Director Education and Executive Director

UCL Centre for Climate Change and Sustainability Education

Her research is predominantly in the field of high-quality teacher education practices in climate change and environmental sustainability education.

Her recent research projects explore the processes by which arts-in-nature practice supports children’s connection with the environment and thereby, their wellbeing.

Dr Tina Isaacs (Respondent)

Honorary Associate Professor in Educational Assessment


Her interests explore examinations and assessment policy and development. She also looks at education policy and politics, qualifications development, accreditation and regulation and comparative studies.

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