Immigrant integration through volunteering? Potentials and barriers
Join this event to hear Hans-Peter Qvist explore the native-immigrant gaps in volunteering across immigrant groups in Denmark.

Participation in volunteering is widely believed to be beneficial for immigrants' integration into Western societies. However, social science research consistently demonstrates that immigrants are less likely to volunteer than natives, with the native-immigrant gaps being wider for certain immigrant groups than for others.
Against this backdrop, Hans-Peter will present his research that uses a powerful combination of survey and administrative register data to study the causes of native-immigrant gaps in volunteering in Denmark.
This event will be particularly useful for academics and policymakers.
Please note this is a hybrid event and can be joined either in-person and online.
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Hans-Peter Y. Qvist
Associate Professor at the Department of Sociology and Social Work
the Aalborg University
His research interests lie in civic engagement, migration and integration and sociodemography.
Methodologically, his research is based on theory-driven empirical analyses of quantitative data, especially the combination of survey and administrative register data.
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