Trends in child and adolescent mental health: Priorities for research
Join this event to hear Stephan Collishaw discuss changes in the prevalence of child and adolescent mental health problems in the population.

Child and adolescent mental health problems are common and can have serious impacts on wellbeing, relationships, education and long-term health. A public health priority is to reduce the burden associated with mental health problems.
In this seminar, Professor Stephan Collishaw considers five research priorities:
- Understanding reasons for trends in youth mental health
- Understanding trends in outcomes and prognoses for children with mental health problems
- Taking a global perspective particularly regarding child mental health trends in lower- and middle-income countries
- Methodological innovation in trends research
- Lessons learned from research on the impact of COVID-19.
This event will be particularly useful for those interested in child and adolescent mental health.
Please note this is a hybrid event and can be joined either in-person or online.
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His research takes a lifecourse developmental approach to study common mental health problems, including depression and anxiety. He uses prospective population and high-risk cohorts to study the development of mental health problems across childhood, adolescence and into adulthood.
He is interested in protective factors that promote mental health resilience in high-risk children and that optimize long-term outcomes. His research also examines population-level change in young people's mental health, and tests which factors explain the recent increase in youth anxiety and depression.
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