Leadership for Sustainability: Saving the planet one school at a time
Join this event to hear David Dixon examine his new book, which aims to help school leaders embed eco-friendly practices in the running of their school.
This webinar will see David Dixon present and discuss his new book 'Leadership for Sustainability: Saving the planet one school', which draws on both his doctoral research and his 20 years of experience as a head teacher to set out how school leaders can embed eco-friendly practices in the day-to-day running of their schools that will also contribute to overall school improvement, including that recognised by inspectors.
After David's presentation, UCL specialist academics will provide a response and critique, and hold an audience Q&A.
This event will be particularly useful for for school leaders, teachers and teacher trainers, and for any professionals working on environmental education or improvement projects, such as researchers, policy makers, school/academy leaders and governors.
Development Education Research Centre seminar series
As part of its mission to provide learning and networking opportunities for professionals and students of development education, global learning and global citizenship, the Development Education Research Centre runs an ongoing seminar series. Events are free and open to staff, students, alumni and the public. All are welcome to attend.
Related links
Children holding banner at climate change protest. Image: Julian Meehan via School Strike 4 Climate on Flickr (CC BY 2.0).
Dr David Dixon
He was a full-time primary teacher for 15 years before becoming a head teacher for the following two decades. In that time, he promoted the twin causes of environmental education and sustainability, which formed the central ethos of his schools. He is now a freelance education consultant, specialising in curriculum and leadership and helping individual schools to link sustainability with school improvement more generally.
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