Parenting and the intergenerational transmission of inequality
Join this talk to hear Jasmin Wertz present research aimed at identifying to what extent parenting contributes to the intergenerational transmission of inequality.

In this event, an emphasis will be placed on genetically-sensitive research designs, and the insights they can provide about how parenting does (or does not) affect children's development.
Jasmin will also discuss some of her ongoing research about the determinants of parenting, including how parent’s resources and personal characteristics affect the way they parent their children, and the implications this has for policies aiming to reduce social inequalities.
This event will be particularly useful for those interested in intergenerational transmission of inequality.
This is a hybrid event and you can attend either virtually or in-person.
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Her research focuses on child behavioural and emotional problems, specifically (1) the biosocial aetiology of these problems, and (2) their implications for life-course outcomes, including attainment and health. Her work integrates theory and methods from developmental science, psychopathology, behaviour genetics and family studies to generate new insights into the origins and outcomes of child behavioural and emotional problems.
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