Reflecting on 'Connecting Classrooms through Global Learning'
Join this event to hear a panel discussion inspired by the new Ipsos MORI evaluation of the major British Council and Foreign Office project that aimed to promote & enact global learning.

The Connecting Classrooms through Global Learning programme (2018-22) was a £34.5m programme jointly funded by the British Council and the UK Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Office (FCDO, formerly DFID). The programme was co-delivered by the British Council and FCDO and operated across the UK and in 29 overseas countries.
It aimed to work with schools, teachers and students to provide young people with the knowledge and awareness to take action on local and global issues and develop their core and transferable skills. In this event, the panel will assess Ispos Mori's and Learn More's joint independent report that evaluated how succesful the Global Learning programme was at achieving its aims.
- Jessica Bruce - Director of Ipsos’s Sustainable Development Research Centre in London
- Lorenzo Newman - Learn More’s Managing Director
- Neil Williams - Senior Project Manager at British Council London
- Rob Unwin - Global Education Adviser at Development Education Centre (South Yorkshire).
- Professor Douglas Bourn - Professor of Development Education, IOE
The event will be particularly useful for those interested in global learning, school partnerships and global citizenship education.
Development Education Research Centre seminar series
As part of its mission to provide learning and networking opportunities for professionals and students of development education, global learning and global citizenship, the Development Education Research Centre runs an ongoing seminar series. Events are free and open to staff, students, alumni and the public. All are welcome to attend.
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