VIRTUAL EVENT: Supporting families and children beyond COVID-19
Dominic Richardson will discuss research which explores what the crisis means for children in the UK and other high-income countries, and what governments and stakeholders should be looking-out for when seeking to protect children from the worst outcomes.
To register for this webinar, please contact Jenny Woodman at atleast two days before the event to receive detailed joining instructions.
For more information about the event, please contact the organiser Sophie Zadeh.
High-income countries have very limited experience of dealing with health crises, having their health and human services working beyond capacity, restricting the travel of their populations, or having to close workplaces and schools - let alone experiencing these things in combination.
These unique conditions create new and serious challenges for high-income countries’ economies and societies, and as these challenges evolve children – as dependants – are amongst the groups at the greatest risk of seeing their living standards fall.
This event will explore the following questions:
- Through which mechanisms can COVID-19 affect children in high-income countries?
- What can we learn from previous crises about the potential effects on children and those who care for children?
- How is vulnerability to poverty and child well-being likely to be affected?
- Are initial government responses to the crisis likely to worsen or mitigate risks to children’s well-being?
- How might future public policies be optimised in the short and medium term to protect child outcomes?
TCRU seminar series
The Thomas Coram Research Unit (TCRU) hosts a weekly seminar series, where invited speakers present work of relevance to the research interests of the unit.
Image: August de Richelieu from Pexels
Dominic Richardson
Dominic leads Social Policy and Economic Analysis at UNICEF, Office of Research, Innocenti, where he oversees work on:
- cash transfers and cash plus programmes in sub-Saharan Africa
- multiple overlapping deprivation analysis
- the Innocenti Report Card Series
- research on family policies and child well-being.
He previously worked with the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) Social Policy Division on a broad range of studies covering child well-being, evaluating family policies, integrating human services, and social impact investment.
Dominic has led or co-authored multiple reports on comparative child well-being in high-income countries. In 2014, he was the lead researcher on a joint European Commission OECD project evaluating the content and quality of international surveys of school children in high and middle- income countries.
In 2018, Dominic was awarded the Jan Trost Award for Outstanding Contributions in International Family Studies by the National Council for Family Relations in the United States.
Further information
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