Repurposing early childhood education? A critical analysis of reception base line assessment
In this seminar, Dr Guy Roberts-Holmes, Dr Diana Sousa, Dr Siew Fung Lee and Dr Emma Jones discuss their research critical engagement with the reception baseline assessment.

After the controversial reception baseline assessment (RBA) was ‘withdrawn’ by the Department for Education (DfE) in April 2016, the RBA was trialled in half of the English primary schools in September 2019.
The 20-minute one-to-one pupil assessment conducted by teachers produces a single ‘baseline’ data figure on the basis of which young children's progress across primary school could be measured and accounted for.
The seminar will discuss issues within the context of punitive performativity, as the baseline's simplistic reductionism allows for the economisation of early years education assessment and for its commercialisation of comparison.
Image: commissioned by UCL Institute of Education
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