While most concern research and service delivery in the field of intellectual disability, some publications reflect our broader research interests.
For information on publications by one member of the team please follow the link on their page under CIDDR Team.
Publications and reports not included in this list:
1. Engaging service users in identifying priorities for research on intellectual disabilities
Hassiotis, A., Hamid, A. & Scior, K. (2015). Engaging service users in identifying priorities for research on intellectual disabilities. Report on a Public Engagement Project funded by UCL Beacon Bursary for Public Engagement.
2. Intellectual Disabilities: Raising Awareness and Combating Stigma - A Global Review
- Full report (PDF)
- Executive Summary (PDF)
- Executive Summary - Easy Read (PDF)
- Executive Summary (in French - en Français)
- Executive Summary (in Spanish - en Español)
3. Combating Negative Attitudes & Discrimination against People with Intellectual Disabilities around the Globe
A talk by Katrina Scior (Principal Investigator) summarising the findings can he found here
(The talk was part of a conference at UCL on 16 July 2015, and was filmed in full.)